First Firing Of MBDA MMP Anti-Tank Guided Missile From ARQUUS Sabre Special Forces Vehicle

First Firing of MBDA MMP Anti-Tank Guided Missile from ARQUUS Sabre Special Forces Vehicle
First Firing of MBDA MMP Anti-Tank Guided Missile from ARQUUS Sabre Special Forces Vehicle

MBDA has carried out the first firing of an MMP missile from an ARQUUS Sabre special forces vehicle, as part of a firing campaign implemented with the support of the French Army and of the French Procurement Agency (Direction Générale de l’Armement, DGA ). The firing was carried out at the Canjuers military camp in the south of France, using ‘lock-on-before-launch’ mode against a tank 3,500 metres away, with a rapid switchover to ‘fire-and-forget’ mode, making the vehicle fully mobile after firing. Once again, the MMP system demonstrated the accuracy of its target acquisition and the quality of its guidance system by achieving a direct hit, without operator intervention.

In addition to this firing, multiple engagements were simulated on the post, against fixed or mobile targets, with the vehicle moving around the test range, thus crossing a further milestone in the validation of the ergonomic, tactical and safety studies. A valuable asset for Special Forces operating over long distances, the MMP allows for the resupply of munitions by airdrop.During the debriefing, the French Army’s gunner was very enthusiastic: “The firing installation is safe, its ergonomics make for easy aiming, and the missile was launched without any discomfort to the gunner, and as stealthily as ever.”

The Sabre is a family of 4×4 tactical and light armored vehicles developed by French company ARQUUS. A patrol vehicle, the Sabre is used by Special Forces around the world. Built for stealth and supreme mobility, it is designed to operate quickly in extreme conditions, beyond the front line. The Sabre is a multi-echelon and joint combat vehicle, open to provide firepower, and designed with a large circular diameter that can accommodate all types of weaponry. Several secondary weapons posts are designed for the crew and it can also accommodate several communication systems (C4ISR). The 265 hp engine, combined with its high autonomy, grants this vehicle a large action radius.

Missile Moyenne Portée (Medium-Range Missile/MMP) is a French man-portable anti-tank guided missile. It was developed by MBDA Missile Systems and is intended as a replacement for their MILAN, which has been sold worldwide. The missile and its guidance system offer three different operating modes: Fire-and-Forget, Man In The Loop with fibre optic data-link and Lock-on after launch (LOAL) for non-line-of-sight (NLOS) and using third party target designation. A tandem warhead is used, making it effective against conventional, composite and reactive armour. Upon detonation, the warhead also sprays 1,500 tungsten splinters, effective against personnel out to 15 meters.

First Firing of MBDA MMP Anti-Tank Guided Missile from ARQUUS Sabre Special Forces Vehicle
MMP firing operations on Sherpa and Sabre vehicule. Canjuers military camp, France. November 4th 2020. © Laurent Guichardon/MBDA

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