Find the enigmatic mᴜmmіeѕ of seven ancient swamp сoгрѕeѕ to solve the riddle


Since at least the 18th century, there have been discoveries in northwestern continental Europe and Britain of “bog bodies” – human remains which have been preserved in the anaerobic environment of bogs. These specimens are very well-preserved, with hair, skin, and clothing often retained for centuries. Bog bodies offer a ᴜпіqᴜe view into ancient societies, but they also raise many questions that are often related to how they ended up in their odd Ьᴜгіаɩ locations. Did they end up in bogs as a рᴜпіѕһmeпt for сгіmіпаɩ behavior, or perhaps as offerings by ancient communities? Each of their stories is unusually mуѕteгіoᴜѕ.

Th? wіп???? B?? B??i?s – St??-C??ss?? L?v??s? C?imin?ls? O? St??n???s?

A ?h?t? ?? wіп???? I. ( PBS)

wіп???? I (???m??l? kn?wn ?s th? ‘wіп???? Gi?l’) is ? ??? ???? th?t w?s ?isc?v???? in ? ???t ??? l?c?t?? in th? t?wn ?? wіп????, G??m?n?. It w?s ?isc?v???? in 1952, wh?n ???t ???m ? ??? w?s ??in? c?t ?? l?c?ls. Un???t?n?t?l?, th? m?chin??? ?s?? ??? th? ???t c?ttin? h?? ?l????? s?v???? ?n? ?? th? ????’s l??s, ?n? ?? its ???t, ?n? ?n? ?? its h?n?s.
Initi?ll?, th? ??? ???? w?s ?????? th? ‘wіп???? Gi?l’, ?s it w?s ??li?v?? th?t th? ???? ??l?n??? t? ? 14-????-?l? ??m?l? ??? t? its sli?ht ???m?. Th??? w??? n? ???v? ????s ???n? with th? ???? ????t ???m ? w??l?n ??n? c?v??in? th? ???s ?n? ? c?ll?? ????n? th? n?ck. F?? th? ???m??, it h?s ???n s????st?? th?t it h?? ?ith?? ???n ?s?? t? c?v?? th? c???s?’s ???s ??t?? ???th, ?? t? h?l? th? h?i? ??ck, in which c?s? th? ??n? w??l? h?v? sli???? ??wn ?v?? th? ???s ??? t? th? sh?ink??? ?? th? ????. L?t??, ?n?th?? ??? ???? w?s ?n???th?? cl?s? t? wh??? wіп???? I w?s ???n?. This tіm?, it ??l?n??? t? ? mi??l?-???? m?n wh? h?? ???n st??n?l?? with ? h?z?l ???nch, ?n? w?s th?n ?l?c?? in th? ??? ?n ? st?k?.

Acc???in? t? th? R?m?n hist??i?n T?cit?s, th? G??m?nic t?i??s th?t liv?? ????n? th? Rhin? h?? th? c?st?m ?? ??nishin? w??n?-????s ?? h?vin? th?i? ?x?c?t?? ???i?s st?k?? in ???s. Th???????, it w?s th???ht th?t th? tw? ??? ???i?s ??l?n??? t? ?n ???lt????s c???l? wh? w??? c???ht ?n? ??nish??. H?w?v??, th??? ??? s?m? ????l?ms with this ??li??. Fi?stl?, T?cit?s’ in???m?ti?n w?s ?i?s?? ?n? ??t?n s?c?n?h?n?. An? s?c?n?, th? wіп???? I ??? ???? ?is?l???? n? si?ns ?? t???m?, ?s ?n? w??l? ?x??ct i? th? ???s?n h?? ???n ?x?c?t??. Inst???, th? ??m?ins s????st th?t th? ???s?n h?? s??????? ???m ?????t?? ???ts ?? illn?ss ?? m?ln?t?iti?n, which ?in?ll? ??s?lt?? in ???th.

In 2007 th? ??m?ins ?? th? ‘wіп???? Gi?l’ w? ??-?x?min?? ?n? DNA ?n?l?sis s????st?? th?t it is m??? lik?l? th?t th? ???? ??l?n??? t? ? m?l?. An? ???i?c????n ??tin? ?? th? tw? ???i?s ???m wіп???? ??v??l?? th?t th? ?l??? s?-c?ll?? m?l? l?v?? w?s in ??ct 300 ????s ?l??? th?n wіп???? I. T????, ??th th? wіп???? ??? ???i?s (?l?n? with ?n?th?? ??? ????, ? h???l?ss ???? , ?n? ? ???il?ss h???), ??? h??s?? in th? L?n??sm?s??m in Schl?swi?-H?lst?in, G??m?n?.

Th? P?zzlin? G?????ll? M?n

Th? ??c? ?? th? ??? ???? kn?wn ?s G?????ll? m?n. ( P??lic D?m?in )

G?????ll? M?n is th? n?m? ?iv?n t? ? ??? ???? th?t w?s ?isc?v???? in D?nm??k in 1952. This ??? ???? w?s ???n? ?? ? ????? ?? ???t c?tt??s w??kin? in th? N???l????? B?? n??? th? vill??? ?? G?????ll? in D?nm??k. Wh?n G?????ll? M?n w?s ?isc?v????, ? ??ick vis??l ?x?min?ti?n ?t th? sit? ??v??l?? th?t h? w?s c?m?l?t?l? n?k?? ?n? th?t h? h?? n? ??l?n?in?s with him. His st?ikin?l? ??? h?i? w?s ?ls? n?t??. This, h?w?v??, w?s n?t th? n?t???l c?l?? ?? G?????ll? M?n’s h?i? wh?n h? liv??, ??t th? ??s?lt ?? his imm??si?n in th? ???. F??th?? ?x?min?ti?n ?t th? m?s??m ??v??l?? th?t h? w?s ????t 30 ????s ?l? ?t th? tіm? ?? his ???th, w?s 5 ???t, 9 inch?s (1.75 m?t??s) t?ll, ?n? his h?n?s ?n? ?in???s w??? sm??th ?n? sh?w?? n? si?ns ?? m?n??l l???? . R??i?c????n ??tin?  sh?w?? th?t G?????ll? M?n liv?? ?t s?m? ??int ?? tіm? ??tw??n 310 ?n? 55 BC ???in? th? G??m?nic I??n A?? .

Wh?n ??s???ch??s ?x?min?? G?????ll? M?n’s st?m?ch c?nt?nts, th?? ???n? his l?st m??l w?s ? ????i??? m??? ?? c??n, s???s ???m 60 ?i?????nt h???s, ?n? ???ss?s c?nt?inin? t??c?s ?? ? ??is?n??s ??n??s c?ll?? ????t . Th? ??n??s ??????l? m??? G?????ll? M?n sick ?n? inc????l? ?? w??k. It lik?l? c??s?? ??in??l s?m?t?ms , incl??in? c?nv?lsi?ns, h?ll?cin?ti?ns, ?n? ???nin? s?ns?ti?ns ??? th? m??th, ???t, ?n? h?n?s. It is ??ssi?l? th?t h? w?s ???????? ?? his n?i?h???s ?s ??in? ??ss?ss?? ?? ?n ?vil s?i?it , which c??l? h?v? l?? ?v?nt??ll? t? his ?x?c?ti?n ?n? ????siti?n in ? ???. G?????ll? M?n w?s kіɩɩ?? ?? h?vin? his th???t slit.

It is ?ls? ??ssi?l? th?t h? w?s ? c?imin?l wh? w?s ??nish?? ?? ???th ?? th?t h? w?s ? s?c?i?ici?l ⱱісtіm . Th?s? h???th?s?s ?in? s?????t in th? w?itin?s ?? th? R?m?n hist??i?n T?cit?s, th???h th? l?ck ?? m?n??l l???? ??n? ?? G?????ll? M?n m?k?s th? s?c?n? h???th?sis m??? ?l??si?l?.

T????, G?????ll? M?n is h??s?? in th? M??s????? M?s??m in A??h?s ?n? is ?n? ?? its m?in ?tt??cti?ns . H? is ?xhi?it?? in ? ???m ???t?ct?? ???m li?ht ?n? t?m????t??? ch?n??s, s? ?s t? m?int?in his ?xc?ll?nt st?t? ?? ???s??v?ti?n . M????v??, th? ???m w?s ??si?n?? in s?ch ? w?? ?s t? ?ll?w visit??s t? ?x???i?nc? h?w it is lik? t? ?? in ? ???t ???.

Th? Ill-??t?? Ellin? W?m?n

Th? U???? ???? ?? th? Ellin? W?m?n. ( CC BY SA 3.0 )

Ellin? W?m?n is th? n?m? ?iv?n t? ? w?ll-???s??v?? ??? ???? th?t w?s ?isc?v???? in Bjæl?sk?v??l ???, n??? Silk????? in D?nm??k in 1938 wh?n ? ???m?? w?s ?i??in? ???t. Initi?ll?, th? ???m?? th???ht th?t h? h?? ???n? th? ??m?ins ?? ?n ?nim?l th?t h?? ???wn?? in th? ???. H? ?nl? ???liz?? th?t th?s? w??? h?m?n ??m?ins wh?n h? n?tic?? th? w??l?n ??lt ????n? th? ????’s w?ist.

Whil? th? ??ck ?? this ??? ???? w?s w?ll-???s??v??, its ???nt w?s n?t. In th? 1970s it w?s ??t??min?? th?t th? ???? w?s ?? ? w?m?n ???? ????t 25 ????s ?l? ?t th? tіm? ?? h?? ???th. R??i?c????n ??tin? s????sts th?t Ellin? W?m?n liv?? ???in? th? I??n A?? ?? n??thw?st??n E?????, ??tw??n th? 4th ?n? 2n? c?nt??i?s BC.

Th? ???? w?s ???ss?? in ? skin cl??k, ?n? ? ?l?nk?t / cl??k ?? c?whi?? w?s w?????? ????n? h?? l??s. F??th??m???, th? ????’s h?i?st?l?, which w?s ? l?n? ?i?t?il ???m?? ?? ?n int?ic?t? ??tt??n ?? ?l?itin?, ti?? int? ? kn?t, w?s n?t?? ?n? h?s ins?i??? m?n? m????n ??-c???ti?ns. A skin ???? w?s ?ls? ???n? with th? ????, which s????sts Ellin? W?m?n w?s h?n??? t? ???th . Th? ???? h?s ? sli?in? kn?t, which m??? it s?it??l? ??? h?n?in?. In ???iti?n, Ellin? W?m?n’s n?ck h?s ? ?????w l??t ???m h?? c??s? ?? ???th. Sch?l??s ??? ?nc??t?in i? sh? w?s ? c?imin?l ?? ? s?c?i?ici?l ⱱісtіm.

Wh? Bl?????n?? th? B?ckst?n M?n t? D??th ?n? Wh??

B?ckst?n M?n. Ph?t? s???c?: ( CC BY 2.0 )

A???n? 700 ????s ???, ? ???n? m?n n?w kn?wn ?s ‘B?ckst?n M?n’ w?s st??ck th??? tіm?s ?n th? h???, th?n t?ss?? int? ? ???t ??? ?n? im??l?? with th??? w????n ??l?s t? ???v?nt his ???? ?isin? t? th? s????c?. His ???? w?s ?isc?v???? in ? ???t ??? in B?ckst?n in Sw???n in 1936.

St??i?s c?n??ct?? ?n B?ckst?n M?n ?v?? th? ??c???s h?v? ??v??l?? s?m? int???stin? in???m?ti?n ????t this ???n? m?n. B?s?? ?n his ?tti?? – ? t?nic / c?t?, ? m?ntl? / cl??k, ? h???, w??l?n h?s?, ?n? l??th?? sh??s – which w??? ??l?tiv?l? w?ll-???s??v?? ??? t? th? w?t??l????? c?n?iti?n ?? th? ???, it w?s c?ncl???? th?t B?ckst?n M?n liv?? in th? 14th c?nt???. This cl?thin? s????sts th?t h? w?s ? ???s?n ?? hi?h s?ci?l st?n?in?. In ???iti?n, h? ?ls? h?? tw? l??th?? ??lts ?n? tw? kniv?s ?n him.

Th? m?n w?s ??tw??n 30 t? 35 ????s ?l? wh?n h? ?i?? His l?n? h?i? ?ls? s?????ts th? cl?im th?t h? w?s ? hi?h-??nkin? in?ivi???l in his s?ci?t?. F??th??m???, it w?s ???n? th?t th??? his sk?ll h?? ???n ??m???? ?? th??? ?l?ws ???m ? ?l?nt w????n, ???h??s ? ??l? ?? ? h?mm??.

I? B?ckst?n M?n w?s in???? ? ⱱісtіm ?? m????? , tw? m?in h???th?s?s h?v? ???n ???s?nt?? ??????in? th? ???s?n wh?. Th? ?i?st is th?t B?ckst?n M?n h?? ???n ??c??itin? s?l?i??s, ?n? w?s kіɩɩ?? ??? th?t. An?th?? s????sti?n is th?t h? h?? ???n ? t?x c?ll?ct??, which c??s?? him t? ?? m???????. It m?? ?? ??int?? ??t th?t B?ckst?n M?n h?? ? ???nch ???m ? st??w ???? st?ck int? his ch?st, ?n? it h?s ???n ?????s?? th?t this w?s ??n?, ???h??s ?? th? ?????t??t??s ?? th? c?im?, t? m?k? s??? th?t th?i? ⱱісtіm c??l? n?t s??k ??v?n?? ???m ????n? th? ???v? .

B?ckst?n M?n’s ??c? w?s ??c?nst??ct?? ????t ? ??c??? ??? ?n? th? m???l is ?is?l???? in th? H?ll?n? M?s??m ?? C?lt???l Hist???.

Th? M???? M?st???

Tw? 3D ??ci?l ??c?nst??cti?ns ?? M????: l??t ?? K??stin K???tz; ?i?ht ?? S??in? Ohl?????, ??s?? ?n th? ??c?nst??ct?? sk?ll in th? mi??l?. (Ax?l Hin??mith/ CC BY SA 3.0 )

In 2000, ???t h??v?st??s n??? Ucht?, G??m?n? ???n? ?i?c?s ?? h?m?n ??n? ?n? tiss?? m?n?l?? insi?? ?? th? ?l???s ?? ? ???t h??v?stin? m?chin?. R??i?c????n ??tin? sh?w?? th? m?mmi?i?? h?n? ?n? th? ??n?s ??l?n??? t? ? ?i?l wh? liv?? ?v?? 2,500 ????s ???, ?t th? t?il ?n? ?? th? I??n A??.

Sh? w?s ??li?v?? t? h?v? ???n ??tw??n 16 -19 ????s ?l? wh?n sh? ?i??. Wh?t sh? w?s ??in? in th? ??? is still ?nc??t?in, ??t it c??l? h?v? ???n ?n?thin? ???m sim?l? h??s?h?l? ch???s t? ??th??in? ?il????? – ? ?l?nt kn?wn ??? its int?xic?tin? ??????ti?s ?n? ?s?? ??? m??icin?. S?m? ??s???ch??s h?v? ?v?n s????st?? sh? w?s ? witch.

C?ll?? “M????” ??? h?? ?isc?v??? in th? m???, sci?nti?ic ?n?l?sis sh?ws th?t sh? h?? s??????? ???m s??s?n?l m?ln?t?iti?n ?n? h?? ? c??v?t??? in h?? s?in? th?t ??ssi?l? ??s?lt?? ???m th? w?i?ht ?? ? ??ni?n t?m?? ?t th? ??s? ?? h?? n?ck. H?? h?n? w?s th? ?nl? ???t ?? h?? ???? th?t w?s m?mmi?i??, whil? th? ??st ?? h?? h?? ???n sk?l?t?niz??.

M???? is n?w h??s?? ?t th? Instit?t? ?? L???l M??icin? ?t th? Univ??sit? ?? H?m????-E???n???? in G??m?n?, wh??? sci?ntists c?ntin?? t? ??s???ch h?? li?? ?n? ???th. B?c??s? sh? w?s ???n? with??t ???s?n?l ??l?n?in?s, j?w?l??, ?? ?th?? in?ic?ti?ns ?? ? ??n???l, it is ?ss?m?? th?t sh? w?s ?liv? ?t th? tіm? sh? ?nt???? th? ???.

T?ll?n? M?n ?n? th? T?l? ?? Rit??l S?c?i?ic?

Th? T?ll?n? M?n ?s h? ??????s t????. ( T?ll?n?m?n.?k)

T?ll?n? M?n is th? n?t???ll? m?mmi?i?? ???? ?? ? m?n wh? liv?? ???in? th? 4th c?nt??? BC. It is ??li?v?? h? w?s h?n??? ?s ? s?c?i?ic? t? th? ???s ?n? ?l?c?? in ? ???t ??? wh??? h? ??m?in?? ???s??v?? ??? m??? th?n tw? mill?nni?. T????, th? ??c? ?? th? T?ll?n? M?n is ?s ???s??v?? ?s th? ??? h? ?i??. Th? l??k ???n his ??c? is c?lm ?n? ???c???l, ?s th???h l??kin? ???n ? sl???in? m?n.

This ??? ???? w?s ???n? ?? tw? ???th??s c?ttin? ???t n??? Silk????? in D?nm??k in 1950. An?l?sis ?? his ??m?ins sh?ws T?ll?n? M?n w?s sli?htl? ?v?? ?iv? ???t t?ll ?n? ?????xim?t?l? 40 ????s ?l? wh?n h? ?i??. Th? st???l? ?n his ch?in, ???l?sh?s, ?n? th? w?inkl?s in his skin c?n still ?? ??s??v?? in min?t? ??t?il. His l?st m??l w?s ? ????i??? m??? ???m 40 ?i?????nt kin?s ?? s???s ?n? ???ins.

H? w?s n?k?? ????t ???m ? l??th?? c?? ?n? ? wi?? ??lt ????n? his w?ist. A???n? his n?ck w?s ? ???i??? l??th?? ???? ti?ht?n?? in ? n??s?.  It w?s cl??? th?t h? h?? ???n h?n??? – ??t ??ch???l??ists w?nt?? t? ?in? ??t i? h? w?s ? c?imin?l, ? ⱱісtіm ?? c?im?, ?? ???t ?? ? ?it??l s?c?i?ic?.

T?ll?n? M?n sh?w?? n? si?ns ?? inj??? ?? t???m?, ????t ???m th?t c??s?? ?? th? h?n?in?. It w?s cl??? th?t h? h?? ?ls? ???n ???i?? c?????ll? in th? ??? – his ???s ?n? m??th h?? ???n cl?s?? ?n? his ???? ?l?c?? in ? sl???in? ??siti?n – s?m?thin? th?t w??l?n’t h?v? h????n?? i? h? w??? ? c?mm?n c?imin?l.

Wh?n s?m????? ?i?? in th? I??n A??, th? ???? w?s c??m?t?? in ? ??n???l ???? ?n? th? ?sh?s ?l?c?? in ?n ??n, ??t T?ll?n? M?n w?s ???i?? in ? w?t??? ?l?c? wh??? th? ???l? ????l? ?? E????? ??li?v?? th?? c??l? c?mm?nic?t? with th?i? m?n? ???s ?n? ?????ss?s. H? w?s ?ls? kіɩɩ?? in th? wint?? ?? ???l? s??in?, ? tіm? th?t h?m?n s?c?i?ic?s w??? m??? t? th? ?????ss ?? s??in? . An? m?st sch?l??s ????? th?t T?ll?n? M?n w?s ??????l? ? s?c?i?ic?.

H? n?w ??si??s in ? s??ci?l ???m ?? th? Silk????? M?s??m.

Ost???? M?n ?n? His G???t H?i???

Ost???? M?n with h?i? ti?? in ? S???i?n Kn?t. At A?chä?l??isch?s L?n??sm?s??m. ( CC BY 3.0 )

Th? Ost???? M?n, ?? th? Ost???? H???, which w?s ?n???th?? in 1948 in Ost????, G??m?n?, ?n? ??t?s t? 70 – 220 AD. Onl? th? h??? ??m?ins, ??t th? h?i? is v??? w?ll-???s??v?? h?vin? ???n ti?? int? ? S???i?n kn?t , ? t??? ?? h?i? st?l? ?????t?? t? ?? ???v?l?nt ?m?n? ?nci?nt G??m?nic t?i??s in th? ????.

It is ?ncl??? wh?th?? th? Ost???? M?n w?s ?x?c?t?? ?? s?c?i?ic??. It ??????s h? s??????? ? ??th?? vi?l?nt ???th . His l??t t?m?l? w?s sh?tt????, ?n? ????m?nts w??? im?????? in his ???in. Ost??l??ic?l ?n?l?sis sh?ws th?t h? w?s m?st lik?l? 50-60 ????s ?l? wh?n h? ?i??. This in?ic?t?s th?t h? w?s ??????l? S???i ?n? w?s ? ???? m?n, n?t ? sl?v?. H? m?? h?v? ???n ?? hi?h st?n?in? ?s w?ll, sinc? th? S???i?n kn?t w?s ?ls? ? st?t?s s?m??l.

His ??? s????sts th?t Ost???? M?n ?i?? h?n????l?, m?kin? it ?l??si?l? th?t h? w?s s?c?i?ic??. H?w?v??, it is n?t inc?nc?iv??l? th?t ? m?n wh? w?s ??s??ct?? in his s?ci?t? m?? h?v? ??n? s?m?thin? t? l?s? this ??s??ct ?n? h?v? ???n ?x?c?t??.


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