EXCALIBUR ARMY Completes Successful Test Of RM-70 Multiple Rocket Launcher In Greece

Based on common negotiations with EXCALIBUR ARMY, the Hellenic Army took the opportunity to test the modernized RM-70 rocket launcher. The testing was mainly to show the Greek side the possibilities of modernization of rocket launchers. Members of the Hellenic Army, who normally operates with the original RM-70 variant from the Hellenic Army had the opportunity, in November 2021 to test the modernized version of RM-70 rocket launcher during demanding tests, including live firing. All tests were successful in the presence of technical specialists and instructors from EXCALIBUR ARMY. The shooting tests turned out to be better than expected, with very positive feedback from the Hellenic Army. They evaluated positively for example, the control of the weapon system directly from the crew cabin, including its guidance, or the possibility of automatic calculation of ballistic elements.

EXCALIBUR ARMY Completes Successful Test of RM-70 Multiple Rocket Launcher in Greece
EXCALIBUR ARMY Completes Successful Test of RM-70 Multiple Rocket Launcher in Greece

In the case of realising the modernization project, the company will offer a rocket launcher in a configuration according to customer requirements. The rocket launchers will be delivered on a Tatra T 815-7 chassis with an armored cabin. The modernization program will include a new modern weapon control and aiming system, a fire control system with a ballistic computer, new inertial navigation with GPC systems, communication and data communication systems, and the ability to control the weapon system directly from the vehicle cabin or remotely. After modernization, the rocket launchers would still use the established and proven 122 mm caliber missils, which the Hellenic Army uses in its arms and which are also available in new, more powerful variants with longer firing range.


EXCALIBUR ARMY Completes Successful Test of RM-70 Multiple Rocket Launcher in Greece
EXCALIBUR ARMY Completes Successful Test of RM-70 Multiple Rocket Launcher in Greece

The RM-70 (raketomet vzor 1970) multiple rocket launcher is a Czechoslovak army version and heavier variant of the BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher, providing enhanced performance over its parent area-saturation rocket artillery system that was introduced in 1971 (the NATO designation is M1972). RM-70 was developed in Czechoslovakia as a successor for the RM-51, achieving initial operational capability with its Army in 1972. The launcher was being produced in Dubnica nad Váhom (Slovakia). Originally, it was sold to East Germany. After the Soviet Union collapse and the split of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, it was sold to several countries in Africa, America, Asia and Europe.

EXCALIBUR ARMY Completes Successful Test of RM-70 Multiple Rocket Launcher in Greece
EXCALIBUR ARMY Completes Successful Test of RM-70 Multiple Rocket Launcher in Greece

RM-70 replaced the Ural-375D 6×6 truck by a Tatra T813 “Kolos” 8×8 truck as carrier platform for the 40-round launcher. The new carrier vehicle provides enough space for carrying 40 additional 122mm rockets pack for reload. Nevertheless, RM-70 performance remains near the same as Grad even in terms of vehicle’s speed and range. This rocket launcher can fire both individual rounds and volleys, principally by means of indirect fire. The rockets used are either the original Soviet 9M22 and 9M28, or locally developed models. These are the JROF with a range of 20.75 km, the JROF-K with a range of 11 km, the “Trnovnik” with 63 HEAT-bomblets and with a range of 17.5 km, the “Kuš” with five PPMI-S1 anti-personnel mines or the “Krizhna-R” with 4 anti-tank mines PTMI-D and with a range of 19,450 m.

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