EOS Launches Its R400 Marine (R400-M) Remote Weapon Station (RWS)

Electro Optic Systems (EOS) marked the official Australian launch of its R400 Marine (R400-M) remote weapon station (RWS) at a special event held at the INDO PACIFIC 2022 International Maritime Exposition. The marine RWS, which is currently in production for a major overseas customer, differs from the company’s range of Land R400 RWS only through the inclusion of high-quality sub-components and finishes that comply with all requirements, regulations and test standards of the maritime environment. The system is equally effective at countering drone threats and more conventional maritime adversaries.

The Australian Department of Defence also announced its plan to supply the R400-M remote weapon station as Government Furnished Equipment for the Army’s Land 8710-1 Littoral Manoeuvre Vessel – Medium capability. The Mk2 operates a variety weapons including a machine gun, a 30mm lightweight cannon and an automatic grenade launcher. The first round hit probability is provided through an enhanced integrated ballistic solution which analyses weapon and ammunition data; range and ambient environment in addition to vehicle attitude and dynamics. Performance can be further enhanced with optional video track of targets and multi-axis stabilisation.


EOS R400S  medium weight remote weapon station (RWS)
EOS R400S medium weight remote weapon station (RWS)

Speaking at the launch event, Matt Jones, CEO, EOS Defence Systems (Australia), said, “The R400-M, the latest version of the operationally proven R400 RWS family, offers customers the firepower and specialist ammunition natures possible for weapons up to and including 30 mm cannon, but in the weight and form factor of competitors’ machine gun systems. We are proud that the R400-M has been selected for Land 8710-1. EOS’ family of RWS has long provided customers with “many advantages including superior range, accuracy and firepower. And these decisive advantages are now available in maritime as well as land combat”

Formed in 1983, Electro Optic Systems (EOS) is an Australian technology company operating in the defence, space and communications markets. The company products incorporate advanced electro-optic applications based on core technologies in software, lasers, electronics, optronics, gimbals, telescopes, beam directors, and precision mechanisms. EOS develops and produces remotely-controlled weapon systems and ancillary products. These systems are adaptable to suit potential customer weapon inventories and comprise state of the art gimbal mounts, fire control systems and world class sensor units.

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