EE-11 Urutu Armored personnel carrier

Development of the EE-11 Urutu armored personnel carrier began in 1970. It was developed by ENGESA. This Brazilian armored vehicle is named after a crossed pit viper. First prototype was built during the same year. Production of the EE-11 Urutu commenced in 1974. Initially it was produced for the Brazilian armed forces. However soon the EE-11 Urutu received some production orders from abroad. It was exported to Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Cyprus, Ecuador, Gabon, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Uruguay and Venezuela. Around 1 500 vehicles of this type were built.

The Brazilian Defense Ministry plans to transfer the decommissioned EE-11  Uruta armored personnel carrier to Uruguay - ВПК.name

This armored personnel carries has unordinary twin-layer armor. The external layer is made of hard steel, while the internal armor features increased viscosity. A front-mounted engine also increases passive protection for the occupants. Front of the hull provides protection αɢαιиѕт armor-piercing bullets, while all-round protection is αɢαιиѕт small αямѕ bullets, mine splinters and artillery fragments. The EE-11 Urutu is fitted with an automatic fire suppression system, however NBC protection system was only optional.

EE-11 Urutu Armoured Personnel Carrier | Wiki | Warfare Roleplay Amino

The EE-11 Urutu is armed with a single 12.7 mm machine gun, mounted on top of the roof. There is a number of variants of the EE-11 fitted with various turret-mounted αямαмєит.

The EE-11 armored personnel carrier has a crew of one and can carry 12-14 fully equipped troops. Troops enter and leave the vehicle through side or rear doors, or roof hatches. There are a number of firing ports provided.

EE-11 Urutu Armored Personnel Carrier |

Vehicle is powered by the Detroit Diesel 6V-53T diesel engine, developing 260 horsepower. Some vehicles were fitted with a Mercedes-Benz OM-32A diesel engine, developing 190 horsepower. This APC shares many automotive components with the EE-9 Cascavel armored car that was developed alonngside the EE-11. The Urutu has an unusual boomerang-type rear suspension. This suspension was developed by ENGESA and also used on some other vehicles. Such suspension provides great off road mobility. Vehicle is also fitted with a central tyre inflation system. The EE-11 Urutu is fully amphibious without any preparation. APCs intended for ground forced are propelled on water by their wheels. Its maximum speed on water is only 2 km/h. Variant of the Urutu intended for marines is fitted with two waterjets. It is much faster and can reach amphibious speed of 8 km/h.

WarWheels.Net- EE-11 Urutu APC Index

In 1999 the Brazilian Army initiated a study to replace the EE-11 Urutu armored personnel carrier, as well as the EE-9 Cascavel armored reconnaissance vehicle. At that time these armored vehicles were in service for nearly 25 years and were becoming out-dated. In 2007 a contract was signed to develop a new Brazilian armored vehicle, known as the Urutu III. Development was complete in 2011. Eventually the new Brazilian armored vehicle was renamed as the Guarani. In 2012 a first batch of these armored vehicles were ordered for the Brazilian Army. These were delivered between 2013 and 2014 and began to replace the EE-9 and EE-11. Full scale production of the Guarani commenced in 2013. By 2019 a total of 400 Guarani armored vehicles were delivered to the Brazilian military.

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