eгotіс Shunga Art showcases Utamaro’s ѕtгіkіпɡ Koban designs

Uncommon shunga prints in the koban (smaller) format are shown in the movie below and are credited to Kitagawa Utamaro (1753–1806). Designs depict intimate encounters between mostly married couples in private homes. Even their children are sometimes featured.

shunga video

Shy lady’ (c.1790s) attributed to Ktagawa Utamaro (1753-1806)


A man is “gaining access” to his loved one. The latter brings the sleeve of the kimono to her mouth to emphasize her exсіtemeпt. In Japan, the sleeve translates the submerging emotional eruptions since ancient times.

shunga video

Couple sharing plate‘ (c.1790s) attributed to Ktagawa Utamaro (1753-1806)


A married couple share a bowl of soup while the woman tenderly masturbates the man’s penis.

shunga video

Intimate couple and infant‘ (c.1790s) attributed to Ktagawa Utamaro (1753-1806)

Sensual Intentions

An infant has been instructed to look the other way while the couple (their parents?) execute their sensual intentions.

shunga video

Couple making love during a humid day‘ (c.1790s) attributed to Ktagawa Utamaro (1753-1806)

Smoker’s Requisites

During a humid summer day a nude man is having intercourse with his lover who’s only wearing a purple kimono. The image shows that Utamaro did not shy away from depicting the naked figure. They are surrounded by smoker’s requisites and a flat fan.

shunga video

Suckling newborn‘ (c.1790s) attributed to Ktagawa Utamaro (1753-1806)

Daruma Doll

A man is penetrating the mother or wet-nurse suckling a child from the rear. The body of the man and the newborn have been printed in fɩeѕһ tones using a metallic pigment that has since oxidized, creating darkened areas and imbuing the figure with texture. A ѕtгіkіпɡ comical detail is the Daruma doll* in the background, staring at us, the viewer, with piercing eyes .

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