This Golden dog family has “a lot of children” but is not very harmonious because of lack of experience. The father is a first-time parent and the mother is a first-time mother.
One child has made the sisters complain to the heavens, this family is an uncountable number of children.

If you look at the pictures, you can’t count the total number of puppies this couple has ! I don’t know if it’s because the father is healthy and energetic or because the mother is good at being pregnant, but the products are so “rich and diverse”.

Because there are too many children in the house, the couple takes care of each other in shifts. However, milking is completely dependent on the mother, so the mother dog does not have time to rest, gets tired and angry, and takes it out on the father.
The father persisted because he accidentally had an unexpected breeding success

Seeing the children rolling and crawling everywhere in the house made the couple look at each other helplessly . Even the homeowner burst out laughing because it was both cute and angry. The landlady must find a way to prevent pregnancy immediately for this couple, otherwise the 1,000 m2 house will not be enough for the children to play.