“Draco” Also Known As Flying Dragons Exist And They Are A Real Wonder of Nature

For millions of years, dragons have fascinated humans. These mythological creatures have been at the center of attention for multiple poets and novelists. Unfortunately, dragons do not exist yet, we have found a creature that resembles dragons to a large extent and this animal will surely leave you in awe.

Flying dragons belong to the Agamidae family of lizards and they live in the tropical forests of South East Asia. And here are some amazing photos of them.

8 to 10 inches long, these animals have membranes on the sides of their trunks. They allow them to glide from one tree to the other easily and they reach up to 60 meters in distance while losing only 10 meters in altitude.

Their diet includes mainly insects like tree ants.

They usually don’t come down from the tress, unless it is the reproduction season. The male uses the membranes to attract the females and thus begins the mating process.

After copulation the female lays eggs. It makes a small hole in the ground and lays about 4-5 eggs, covers them with soil and leaves. The female only stays with the eggs for 24 hours. After that she abandons them and climbs back to the tree.

The colors and the characterizes of each flying dragon vary depending on the species; however, they all have one feature in common.

Their beauty seems to be something out of this world.

Ps; We do not own any of these pictures. Please contact us for any means necessary.

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