“Dog Wanders Streets for Nearly a Year with Head Trapped in Plastic Box”

Dog Wandered The Streets With His Head Stuck In A Plastic Box For Nearly A Year 

Bear is Cane Corso dog who wandered the streets of Mobile, Alabama, with his head stuck in a plastic box for nearly a YEAR.

He was so terrified that he wouldn’t even let anyone come near him, which made the rescue mission so much more difficult.

Bear was also so big that the traps were not working on him.

So, in what seems to be the biggest rescue mission in Mobile, the animal control officers from the City of Mobile Animal Services and the Mobile County Animal Shelter got together to finally save this big boy.

A Mission To Rescue Bear

Dog with box on head

The Cane Corso dog – later named Bear – was spotted multiple times wandering the streets of Alabama over the course of a few months with a large plastic box stuck on his head. 

The box seemed to be the top of a trash can, which can be found outside of restaurants and local parks. Bear was probably going through the trash looking for food and sadly got his head stuck inside it.

It was truly a miracle that he managed to survive for so long with a huge box on his head, which must have obstructed his way of eating and drinking properly.

After months of walking around with the box on his head, one of the kind-hearted residents of the City of Mobile finally notified the officials, who immediately organized a huge rescue operation. 

With the help of this amazing group of people, the animal control officers and animal shelter staff were finally able to take the plastic box off of Bear’s head. 

Rescuers of the dog

Unfortunately, although they managed to take off the box, they couldn’t get a leash on him in time, and terrified Bear ran away. But, they were not giving up. 

In a huge operation that required the involvement of several different people, Bear was finally caught and taken to the city’s shelter.


Bear Has Been Adopted

sweet black dog

Bear’s rescue mission generated a lot of attention; however, for the first couple of days, he was on a stray hold and not ready for adoption.

While at the shelter, Bear really came out of his shell and got close to one of the volunteers who decided to apply for his adoption.

“Trying to find a good home for a dog that’s garnered this much publicity is always a big deal. There’s gonna be a ton of people that wanna take him home. And in this particular case, we got to thinking about it, and really, who better than one of the team members that spent so much time trying to get him off the streets in the first place,” Robert Bryant, the City of Mobile Animal Services Director, told WKRG.

black dog laying on a bed

Bear is now officially a part of the Miller family and he simply adores his new dad, Martin Miller. 

Bear was alone for so long, but he’ll never be alone ever again. The amazing thing about this adoption is that Bear will still be close to the shelter and the rescue community who invested a lot of time into him.

black dog with open mouth

Bear is also now a new ambassador for the City of Mobile Animal Services and will be spending the days at the shelter promoting the adoption of stray animals with his new dad.

His plight has captivated the hearts of thousands of people, but hopefully, Bear will know only happiness from now on.

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