Dallas Cowboys fans divided on the idea of trading Micah Parsons.-davinci

Would trading Micah Parsons be the right thing for the Dallas Cowboys?
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When you look at the Dallas Cowboys now, what do you see? Do you see a team in its Super Bowl window or a team desperate for a rebuild?

While the thought of a rebuild right before the start of the 2024 season is less than ideal, some fans feel that maybe trading the team’s best player would be a great idea, while others think that sounds asinine.

Today on Twitter/X, the question was asked if trading Cowboys star edge rusher Micah Parsons makes sense. After the question was posed, it generated a furious reaction.

Some said it would be sensible, while others felt strongly that keeping a talent like Parsons is a must, whether it is a rebuild or not.

Check out some of the reactions to the question of trading Parsons below.

Discussions with fans attempting to put on their general manager hat come with the long days of summer. The Cowboys will have many important decisions within the coming year.

As it stands, Dak Prescott, CeeDee Lamb, and Parsons are pillars of this franchise.

However, how much longer can the trio lead the team if the results in the postseason continue the way they have been going? Losing a player like Parsons can bruise a fanbase and a locker room.

So, if that does become the case, the Dallas front office will have to get it right with the moves that follow. Are you feeling better about Parsons’s future now?

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