Celebrate with Proud Mexican Parents of Quadruplets and Admire the Adorable Photos of Their Charming Newborn Twins.-davinci

Parents of multiples are part of an exclusive group, chosen to embrace both the beauty and the challenges of growing, birthing and raising multiple children at one. Here are some of the most stunning and adorable newborn multiples images to honor the parents of multiples and capture some of the twin, triplet, and quad magic.

The sweetest triplets, fresh out of the womb. They’ve been reunited with their mother and quickly snuggle together, much like they did inside. (Karla Cabrera, Mexico) Two reasons to smile – the safe delivery of her twins, with both her and and Dad’s hands welcoming them as they transition from the inside to the outside. (Bruna Pontual, Brazil)

That moment when you meet the two who make your family whole. This family got a snuggle while momma was still on the operating table. (Albany J. Alvarez Fotografia, Mexico) These twin boys were received with open arms by their parents and their outstanding medical staff after being born strong and healthy with the cutest baby rolls. (Claudia Araujo Fotografia, Brazil)

Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold. The pureness of this photo – from the three sleepy newborns, their mom’s beautiful postpartum body, and her serene gaze as she enjoys her babies – is perfection. (Melissa Jean Photography, South Australia)

Spontaneously conceived triplets are rare. This momma’s arms are full, but just imagine how huge her heart is. (According2My Triplets, USA) This momma showcased her four precious bundles and her gorgeous postpartum tummy, a tribute to her amazing body for giving her everything she ever wanted. (Courtney Seamans, Sweetly Grown Photography)

Two pregnancies and four kids! How cool is that! This is just beyond cuteness.

It was such a pleasure to meet this blessed family! Big sister was so cooperative and she loved to snuggle with her babies.

I can’t even tell you how excited I am to share this quadruplets newborn photography session with you! I think we made a dream team!

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