A 300,000-year-old elephant skeleton with 8-foot tusks was found in Germany

The skeleton of a 300,000-year-old elephant with giant tusks has been unearthed in Germany. The amazing ancient remains show that the creature had been killed and eaten…

Discover the Ancient Coin Mining Machine discovered in China more than 2500 years ago

Archaeologists have long been preoccupied with understanding the origins of metal coinage and monetization. Now, a team working in the Henan Province of China has discovered an…

The tomb of the “Commander of Foreign Mercenaries” is discovered by archaeologists in ancient Egypt

A team of archaeologists from the Czech institute of Egyptology have unearthed a tomb in the Abusir necropolis, near to modern-day Cairo, Egypt. The tomb belongs to…

“Roman noble villa by the English sea”-Discovery seems to suggest so!

An Ancient Roman stately home complex has been uncovered during a modern day construction project… but this is no ordinary slice of archaeology. It’s believed to be…

Archaeologists found a strange tomb containing the remains of a giant warrior, horses, and a witch in Germany (video)

Unbelievably, a remarkable find was made in a small German village called Theiben. Two bodies were found beside each other. One of them belonged to a giant…

Do pictures of “giant” skeletons show the presence of giants in the past?

This is an old hoax that has been repeatedly debunked. An old internet hoax has been revived and is circulating on social media. Since the early days…

Bisons sculpture discovered in Le d’Audoubert cave in Ariege, France, dates back to 14000 years

The bison stood next to each other, built from the cave walls, leaning аɡаіпѕt a small boulder in the darkness. While they are 18 feet twenty-four inches long,…

The “Petrified” Horn reveals a 168-million-year-old monѕteг – Never seen in the world

A Ьіzаггe armoured spike fossil, found in Morocco, belonged to a new ѕрeсіeѕ of dinosaur that was ‘unlike anything else in the animal kingdom,’ research has found….

Medieval Friars Were ‘Riddled With Parasites,’ Study Finds

A new analysis of remains from medieval Cambridge shows that local Augustinian friars were almost twice as likely as the city’s general population to be infected by…

The discovery of a 290 million year old human footprint has researchers scratching their heads

Ask any historian nowadays and they will all tell you the same thing: Humanity dates back to a couple of million years ago, with the real “revelation”…