Admire caves from the 9th century and consider that they were constructed in the Saxon style

A cave home that was originally believed to be an 18th-century folly has been discovered as one of the UK’s oldest preserved household interiors and was likely…

A fossil proves that unicorns were present on Earth 29.000 years ago

Unicorns have starred in hundreds of mythological stories, tales and fables. And, although the magical properties that have been attributed to them in many of these stories…

The “Greatest Treasure” Hunt Ever of a Shipwreck in Spain has produced some amazing discoveries

Marine archaeologists are renewing their search for a Spanish treasure shipwreck, the Juncal. It is believed that the ship had a cargo of treasure, including precious metals and jewels,…

Researchers discovered one of the monsters or vampires in the jungle in Indonesia

The jenglot is a creature found in Indonesia. It resembles a tiny humanoid doll, and seems to be a creature from modern times, as the first reports…

Mystery “Saints in the Catacombs”- Skeletons covered in expensive jewelry discovered in Roman catacombs

They call them the Catacomb Saints – ancient Roman corpses that were exhumed from the catacombs of Rome, given fictitious names and sent abroad as relics of saints…

People in Britain panicked when they discovered the giant ‘mermaid skeleton’ washed up on the beach

Residents in Sefton, Merseyside, were stunned to see the creature on the sand – and the council says it is “not uncommon for fish species to wash…

One of the rarest jewels in existence in the world to this day

During Sir Charles Leonard Woolley’s excavation of Ur from 1922 to 1934, any burial without a tomb chamber was given the name ‘death pit’ (known also as…

Revealing 2,000-year-old mosaics discovered in Turkey before being lost due to floods

We usually write about new contemporary artists at Bored Panda, but these fascinating discoveries recently made by a team of archeologists in the Turkish city of Zeugma…

“Evidence” from caves in Europe shows that humans were familiar with astronomy 40,000 years ago

Researchers have claimed that ancient humans knew about complex astronomical phenomena including planetary displacements and comet strikes. A study by a team at the University of Edinburgh…

Archaeologists ‘Royal secret’ tomb discovered in Egypt, dating back 3,500 years

A magnificent tomb has been discovered in Egypt belonging to a ‘keeper of royal secrets.’ This highly-trusted man served two ancient pharaohs of the 6th Dynasty, and…