BAE Systems Rolls Out Royal Netherlands Army’s First Modernized CV9035NL MLU IFV

BAE Systems Hägglunds has unveiled the first test version of the upgraded CV9035NL MLU infantry fighting vehicle for the Royal Netherlands Army (Koninklijke Landmacht). The contract requires BAE Systems to carry out mid-life modernisation of 122 CV9035NLs, with the option of 19 additional vehicles. The ‘first of type’ infantry fighting vehicle was produced at BAE’s facility in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. Series production of the vehicles is scheduled to commence at the end of next year while the project is expected to be completed by the end of 2026. The latest upgrade follows a $500 million contract awarded by the Dutch Defence Materiel Organization (DMO) to BAE Systems last year.

Developed by BAE Systems Hägglunds in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden, the new turret is designed based on a recent study and years of experience to enhance the vehicle’s capabilities. The main weapon position has been changed to improve vehicle balance, accommodate new weaponry and offer ergonomic improvements. It includes equipping the vehicles with an Active Protection System (APS), Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM), Electro-Optic Aiming System (EOPS), as well as upgrading its electronic systems. Currently, the work to equip the Dutch CV9035 vehicles with multiple enhanced capabilities is already underway. The mid-life upgrades seek to improve the infantry vehicle’s capabilities and keep it operationally relevant up to the end of its life in 2039.

On 13 January 2021, the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) of the Netherlands Armed Forces signed a contract with BAE Systems Hägglunds for a mid-life update of 128 CV90s of the Royal Netherlands Army, with an option for 19 further vehicles. The turret has been completely redesigned and will feature a new main gun installation, a mast-mounted 500mm extendable electro-optical sensor, Elbit Systems’ Iron Fist LD (Light Decoupled) active protection system, FN MAG general-purpose machine gun in an external pod and a twin missile launcher for Spike LRII anti-tank guided missiles. Furthermore, the CV90s will be equipped with rubber tracks, upgraded cooling, various cyber-security improvements and updated command and control infrastructure.

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