ASELSAN-FNSS To Deliver Armored Combat Vehicle-ZMA Modernization Project For Turkish Army

Turkey’s state-controlled military company FNSS and Aselsan had unveiled the first of what will become an upgraded armored combat vehicle used by the military. In the first phase of the upgrade program, Aselsan will modernize 133 ZMA (Z?rhl? Muharebe Arac?) lengthening their life span and survivability. The first batch of vehicles is part of a whole convoy of more than 2,000 produced by FNSS between 1989 and 2003 under license from the U.S.-based company FMC Corporation. The ACV-15 is based on the American Advanced Infantry Fighting Vehicle, which in turn is based on the American M113A1 armored personnel carrier. The vehicles came in four different configurations.

In December 2019, FNSS signed a contract with Turkish defense procurement agency SSB — or Presidency of Defense Industries — to upgrade the armored vehicles, most of which are still in service. Under the program, dubbed ZMA-15, the vehicles will be fitted with high-tech equipment. Within the scope of the Armored Combat Vehicle-ZMA Modernization Project, the ASELSAN Main Contractor will carry out the renovation and improvement activities of the ZMAs, 25 mm NEFER Unmanned Turret, Laser Warning System, Close Range Surveillance System, Driver Vision System, Direction Finding and Navigation System, Commander, Gunner, Personnel and Driver Dashboards will be integrated.

Aselsan NEFER Unmanned Turret is developed primarily against armored land targets and becomes a perfect match for integration onto tactical vehicles. While it can be mounted on 6×6 and 8×8 wheeled or tracked vehicles, it steps further by its indigenous design which enables the integration of both NATO and Russian-origin weapons. Through its extensive surveillance and remote control capabilities, NEFER enhances situational awareness of the gunner in his proximity while the vulnerability to attacks is decreased drastically.

ACV-15 is the designation of an amphibious armored combat vehicle family developed by FNSS. The vehicle is in service with Turkey (2,249) and the United Arab Emirates (136 delivered). Malaysia ordered 267 ACV-15 in different versions in 2000, all of which have been delivered. Within the scope of the project, the subcontractor FNSS will carry out maintenance and repair activities on the ZMA platforms, the Air Conditioning System, Heating System, Fire Extinguishing and Explosion Suppression System subsystems will be integrated into the platforms, and armor and mine protection levels will be increased.

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