Archaeologists were surprised when they unearthed dinosaur fossils for the first time in Cambodia


Cambodia’s Environment Minister Say Samal said the country’s archaeologists have unearthed a dinosaur fossil for the first time on Koh Or island, in Koh Kong province.

Lần đầu phát hiện hóa thạch khủng long ở Campuchia ảnh 0

The first time discovered dinosaur fossils in Cambodia photo 0

The fossil was found on the island of Koh Ƥor, near the Ƭatai Wildlife Sanctuary in Koh Kong province. (Photo: Cambodia Ministry of Environment).

“The first dinosaur fossil has been found on Koh Por island in Cambodia,” Khmer Ƭimes quoted Cambodia’s Environment Minister Say Samal on October 28.

This fossil is similar in size to the shin of an elephant, unearthed in Pak Khlang commune, Mondul Seima district, Koh Kong province with Preah Sihanouk province, in March 2021.

Campuchia tìm thấy xương hóa thạch từ thời đại khủng long

Hun Brady, director of the Koh Kong province’s environment department, said on October 27 that researchers spent about a year studying the fossil. Based on the evidence collected, they concluded this fossil was of a dinosaur.

“After the discovery, we decided not to move the fossil because we were doing research. According to experts, the fossil is of a dinosaur, but more research is needed to know what kind of dinosaur this is,” said Mɑrady.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lim Vanchan, director of the heritage office of Cambodia’s Ministry of Environment, said that after the discovery, a team of archaeologists determined the age of this fossil to be between 65-190 million years.

“We lack experts on ancient animals, so we need to find foreign experts,” said Mr. Vɑnchan. “We will have three French experts join the research team in mid-November.”

Mr. Vanchan also said that the fossil image was presented at an international conference in November 2021, with the participation of experts from the US, France and Thailand, according to Phnom Penh Post.

Lần đầu phát hiện hoá thạch khủng long 190 triệu tuổi ở Campuchia

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