Archaeologists were shocked with the skeletons of 5,000-year-old Chinese “giant”


The discovery of the skeletons of 5,000-year-old Chinese “giants” surprised many people.

According to Iflscience, archaeologists have discovered the skeletons of these “giants” in Shandong province, Eastern China.

Specifically, they found graves containing the bones of one person as tall as 1.9 meters and some as tall as 1.8 meters.

The above height parameter is evaluated based on bone structure. According to Fang Hui, head of the history and culture department of Shandong University, in fact if the tallest man were alive, he would definitely be over 1.9m tall.

Shocked with the skeletons of 5,000-year-old Chinese giants – 2The most “giant” person has a height of at least 1.9m.

Taller men were found in larger graves than shorter men, possibly due to their higher status and better ability to obtain food. They can be much taller than others in the area.

In addition, after examination, the archaeologists also found “obvious lesions in the head and leg bones of several remains as well as pottery and jade in six tombs of the “giant”. giant”.

The specific excavation site is in a village called Jiaojia, Shandong province. Since 2016, the ruins of 104 houses, 205 graves and 20 sacrificial pits have been found here.

Interestingly, Confucius – the eminent Chinese philosopher (551-479 BC) was from Shandong province and is said to be 1.9m tall.

Meanwhile, Zhuge Liang – a great strategist of the Three Kingdoms period was also born in Duong Do (now in Yinan district, Shandong province) and is also described as quite tall.

The people of Shandong say they are proud of their height. In 2015, Shandong men were recorded as having an average height of 1.75m, higher than the national average of 1.72m.

The skeletons of this particular “giant” are all from a Neolithic civilization dating from 4,500 to 5,000 years ago. They live in the lower reaches of the Yellow River.

It’s not clear what made these men so tall. Their varied and abundant food sources are thought to have played a part in their height.

But the “giant” skeletons weren’t the only interesting thing found at the excavation site. Colorful ceramic and jade wares have also been found here. This is said to have reflected the comfortable life of the locals.


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