A white lion and a white tiger have the most adorable babies on Earth


These are Yeti, Odlin, Sampson and Apollo. They are the   rarest big

These beautiful siblings are a mix of a lion and a tiger. Lions are extremely rare. There are around 1,000 of them worldwide, most of which live in prison. Yeti, Odlin, Sampson and Apollo are all in excellent condition. They may be the first white Leghorns ever born! These siblings’ parents are Yvonne, a white lioness, and Saraswati, a white tiger. There are only 1,200 white tigers and 300 white lions in the world.

The white lion and the white tiger have the most adorable babies on Earth together

Avery, Saraswati, and their children live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The sanctuary is called TIGER. This sanctuary has successfully bred ligers in the past. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, one of their tigers, Hercules, is the  largestn the world. Hercules weighs 922 pounds, but despite his size he is a very sweet guy and loves to play with his new canine friends and his grandchildren. 

When I didn’t see them for a single day, the next day they seemed to be twice as big. It’s like someone blew them up with a tire pump.

Liger cubs love to swim like tigers and are as social as lions. They also have their own personality traits.

Apollo is the smallest of the four and behaves mostly like  This little animal loves to cuddle up to his owners and be petted.  

Yeti is the liveliest of the four and will always be the center of attention. He is also the largest of the four und 200 kilograms. It is hard to imagine these little animals growing to be so big one day

Look how unique these four liger cubs are!

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