“The OCN team is on its way to Sandwich Harbour, Namibia, one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
The team is on a mission to save a stranded Humpback whale. The Namibian Dolphin Project is also on its way to help.
The team arrives at the beach and finds the whale. It is still alive and in good condition.
The team quickly assembles and starts to devise a plan to get the whale back into the ocean. They decide to use ropes to try and get the whale’s head pointed towards the ocean and to get it back in.
The team starts to push the whale towards the ocean. It is a tricky situation as the whale could easily roll over and break someone’s legs.
The team is careful and watches out for the whale’s fluke. As the water comes in, they push the whale forward.
The team is making progress but the waves are getting bigger and the whale is getting more agitated. The team is careful to watch out for the whale’s fin and to jump back when it starts to roll over.
Finally, after a lot of hard work, the team succeeds in getting the whale back into the ocean. Everyone is euphoric and relieved. The team is on its way back, but the tide is too high to come back on the beach, so they have to go through the dunes.
The team’s mission was a success and they were able to save the whale. It was an incredible finish and a reminder of the importance of protecting our oceans and the creatures that inhabit them.”