A military father, who has served his nation for many years, can’t contain his delight and emotions when he sees his son again


h24- 8 First Lieutenant Jake Osborne was sent to Afghanistan one month after learning that his wife was expecting. The knowledge that he wouldn’t be able to care for his wife during the pregnancy shattered his heart. Once deployed, the soldier discovered he might not even be able to come home for the birth. It was a long nine months, but on May 12, Osborne’s commander came in and told him to pack his bags. They sent him home on leave so he’d be able to go home and meet his newborn baby.

Although his baby was born while he was flying home, his family made sure to capture the beautiful moment he finally got to meet his baby girl at Athens Regional Health System Medical Center hospital. “I rounded the corner… and froze at the door. I didn’t know what to say. I was giggling like a little schoolgirl,” Osborne recalled of seeing his baby for the first time. “It was unreal, unlike anything I’ve ever felt.” When he finally holds the baby, he’s in complete awe. His family looked on, as they all shed tears of joy.

Both mom and baby are healthy. Congratulations to the new parents. We can already tell this is going to be one spoiled baby. These heartwarming reunions speak to the universal longing for peace, where families can stay united, and loved ones can welcome their heroes back without fear or separation. As we celebrate the return of our soldiers to their families, let us renew our commitment to work towards a world where peace and security are the norm. It’s a reminder that we must value the sacrifices made for the sake of peace and appreciate the bravery of those who protect our nations.

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