A magical encounter happened when a new dog from the shelter clung to a look-alike, eager to make his first friend


Amidst the allure of fresh market produce, one dog caught their attention more than anything else – a dog that bore a striking resemblance to Rogue. It was this serendipitous moment that led Coleman and his wife to adopt their 8-month-old pup, whom they affectionately named Beast, believing it was destiny that united them.

Facing the challenge of renting an apartment as a multi-species family—two humans, two cats, and two dogs—Coleman and Rogue embarked on a stroll through their local farmer’s market. However, it wasn’t the market’s offerings that captured their hearts, but a fellow dog that mirrored Rogue’s appearance.

Coleman reminisces, “Rogue and I felt love at first sight with him. He looked just like Rogue, the same size (at the time), the same coat… They’re both cairn [terrier] hybrids. We’re frequently asked if they’re brothers and sisters.”

Though Rogue had previously been the sole canine in the family, she embraced Beast as if he were her long-lost twin, separated at birth. A bond blossomed between them, despite their non-biological connection.

In their shared life, Rogue’s preference for Beast’s toys spoke volumes. Coleman chuckles as he recalls, “At first, we’d purchase Beast and Rogue the same identical toys, but she’d only want whatever Beast had and would constantly grab it from him.”

As life unfolded, Beast became a cherished cuddle companion, competing with the family’s cats for a coveted spot on laps. Now residing in Hawaii, their connection remains unbreakable, a testament to the strength of their bond.

Reflecting on a cross-country journey that solidified their unity, Coleman expresses, “Our cross-country excursion confirmed that this tiny family will always be together.”

The heartwarming story of their meeting and the adoption of Beast reinforces the idea that fate has an uncanny way of bringing kindred spirits together.

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