A giant sea monster at the bottom of the ocean was discovered


With a fin span of 7.6 m and a weight of up to 2,300 kg, giant rays are one of the most intelligent but mysterious creatures in the ocean.

A film crew from the BBC’s Nature program filmed manta rays in the ocean in a documentary about these marine animals. The photos below are excerpted from the film.

Scientists believe that giant manta rays are one of the most intelligent marine animals. 

The biggest characteristic of this family is that the fin span is longer than the body.

Small fish swim close to giant rays to pick off parasites and dead cells in the rays’ gills and skin.

Giant manta rays live in warm waters in the ocean. They swim close to the surface thanks to a pair of fins attached to their chest.

They are pregnant for 12 months and only give birth to one cub per litter.

Contrary to rumors, giant stingrays do not attack divers.

A school of giant manta rays feed together at the Landaa lagoon in the Maldives. They absorb water while swimming to catch fish larvae and plankton.

They can swim more than 1,100 km in 60 days. The main enemies of giant rays are large sharks and whales.

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