A giant monster: a mysterious snake was discovered, scaring people


Netizens had the opportunity to stir when images of a super giant snake were taken down by soldiers and a crane had to be used to lift the body. These images were quickly exposed and accused of being staged. However, the snake in the photo is real.

The truth about "super giant man-eating snake" once caused a stir online - Photo 1.

Giant snake in Iran? Photo: Irnews

Netizens once had a panic attack when a clip posted an image of a super giant snake being killed in Karaj, Iran. The attached information states that the snake is about 43m long, has a body circumference of about 6m and is estimated to be 103 years old. This snake was later called “Maga Maar Malad”.

Another source says that this giant snake originated from the Red Sea; and at the time it was found, this snake had… killed 320 tourists and 125 passing drivers.

The snake was later destroyed by military forces and a few scientists named Karim Mohammed, Mohammed Sharif, Mr. Sea, Mahmoud students and Mazen Al-Rashidi. This information also comes with a list of names who were killed by the snake.

However, due to the unbelievable data and the accompanying vague information, this information immediately raised many suspicions that the above images were staged and the snake was fake.

If such a creature were real, world public opinion would definitely have intervened rather than allowing the image to be spread with poor quality online like that.

However, upon closer inspection, netizens concluded that the snake is real, and the funny thing is that everything else in the clip is fake.

The military equipment as well as the soldiers in the video are all… plastic toy models, used to play board games. Comparing to scale, the snake is actually less than 1 meter long.

The truth about "super giant man-eating snake" once caused a stir online - Photo 2.

The giant snake turned out to be less than 1 meter long…

Interestingly, a source said that the above images originated from an information technology forum in Vietnam from 2010 under the title “Catch a giant snake”. This is clearly just a joke, and for some reason it became a scary rumor on foreign websites.

The largest snake known in Earth’s natural history is Titanoboa, 12 to 15 meters long and weighing up to 1.3 tons. However, this snake species became extinct about 60 million years ago.

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