“Miracle,” a German Shepherd who survived a harrowing fall from a second-floor balcony in Daytona Beach, has triumphed over tragedy and found a new purpose as a service dog for a war veteran.
The incident occurred in December 2020 when the dog was thrown off a balcony by her previous owner, Allison Murphy, who has since been charged with a felony and is prohibited from possessing animals for five years.
Following the disturbing event, Miracle, aptly named for her miraculous survival, was taken to an animal hospital for treatment.
Despite the fall, she sustained only minor injuries and captured the hearts of many. Miracle has been under the care of a foster family since December.
The recent update brings heartwarming news, as Miracle has been adopted by a war veteran in need of a service dog.
Service dogs play a crucial role in assisting individuals with injuries, physical limitations, and mental health conditions such as PTSD. They perform tasks like opening doors, controlling switches, fetching items, and providing emotional support.
Volusia County Animal Services Director Adam Leath expressed his congratulations to all involved in ensuring Miracle’s happy ending, emphasizing the collaborative efforts of law enforcement and animal services to protect and support both animals and humans in need.
Miracle’s journey from a traumatic incident to becoming a loyal service companion showcases the transformative power of love, care, and second chances.