Dubbed the “Fearful Giant”, is it worthy of the nickname that the US Air Force has coined


“Fearful Giant”

B-1 Lancers were envisioned as Mach-2 capable bombers with the B-52’s range and payload. If everything had worked out perfectly, it would have replaced the B-52 and B-58 entirely.

B-1 Lancers

The B1-A could reach Mach 2, but its high cost and the introduction of the AGM-86 led to the project’s cancelation in 1977. When it was resumed in 1981, the redesigned B-1B had an improved low-altitude speed of Mach 0.96 but a lower top speed of Mach 1.25.

 B-1 Lancers

Nevertheless, the B-1B Lancer entered service in 1986 and is still used by the USAF today. A Lancer crew consists of two pilots and two ധҽąքօղs Systems Officers. In the video, we can see the crew enter the aircraft’s hatch from a ladder behind the front landing gear.

B-1 Lancers

Later on, we even get to watch a Lancer get refueled by a KC-135. Frequent refueling significantly extends the Lancer’s already-impressive 6,500-mile range.

B-1 Lancers

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