Discover an exciting adventure: The unique journey of a brave boy with a special horse-like appearance.lotso


Le Trung Tuan – a guy who once had a malignant cancer that caused the skull in his forehead to be destroyed and a large, scary tumor appeared on his face. At that time, the risk of death was so close to Tuan that all large and small hospitals returned him. It seemed like there was no cure, but the magical light of Buddha Dharma appeared, dispelling the darkness and writing new pages of happiness in Tuan’s life. Among them, especially the love story that blossomed from fate at Ba Vang Pagoda.

Every step on Tuan’s journey of healing – recovering from illness – having beautiful love like the present has been accompanied by the guidance and care of his Master – Master Thich Truc Thai Minh and the great monk of Ba Vang pagoda. standing side by side from Ms. Pham Thi Yen (Dharma name Tam Chieu Hoan Quan) – Head of the Golden Chrysanthemum Club – Luc Hoa Practice.

We invite readers to learn about this happy story through the article below!

Table of Contents [Show]

  • Years of despair caused by a monstrous horse facial tumor
  • Escape from death – The whole journey has the attention of the Master, the monks and the homeroom teacher
  • The story of love and the destiny that makes a couple
  • 1. The fate of meeting – starting from the Ba Vang throne
  • 2. A lasting love story built on the foundation of Buddha Dharma
  • Ideal model of love – Both a life partner and a religious friend
  • Solve emotional problems with knowledge of Buddha Dharma and books to encourage each other to practice
  • Overcome family obstacles
  • Organize the Hang Thuan ceremony at the temple – Your wish is about to come true
  • Gratitude to those who light up love and happiness

Years of despair caused by a monstrous horse facial tumor

In 2013, from the mouth to the forehead of Le Trung Tuan, a long, protruding tumor appeared, taking up most of his face like a horse’s face. Major hospitals in Hanoi such as Central Ear, Nose and Throat, Central Hospital, Bach Mai, Viet Duc, Vietnam – Cuba and many other hospitals could not conclude the exact name of the disease. All hospitals returned Tuan and did not accept treatment.

After that, the family looked for traditional medicine, Oriental medicine, etc. to treat it, but for many years the disease did not improve, but became worse and worse, the tumor grew larger and larger. Despite receiving help from many benefactors and being sponsored by an overseas Vietnamese for treatment at the Children’s Hospital, Tuan’s illness did not improve. The climax was that after 4 chemotherapy infusions, the doctors at the Children’s Hospital were forced to stop the chemotherapy infusion, for fear of Tuan’s death, because his tumor was drug resistant.

At the same time, the doctors concluded that Tuan had malignant chromosomal cancer that destroyed the skull and frontal area and decided to return Tuan. Those were the days leading up to Tet. Father and son desperately returned to Thanh Hoa, determined that this would be Tuan’s last Tet.

Escape from death – The whole journey has the attention of the Master, the monks and the homeroom teacher

It seemed like all hope was extinguished, but the magical light of Buddha Dharma lit up the revival of friend Le Trung Tuan. By chance, a Buddhist in the Tu Tam ashram at Ba Vang Pagoda read an article about Tuan’s case and asked Ms. Pham Thi Yen, who at that time was still the head of the ashram. Not worrying about the long distance, she arranged to go to Tuan’s house in Thanh Hoa to inquire and sow the Dharma charm for the family. After that, the family took Tuan to the pagoda to pray for death and practice under the guidance of the Master and the Great Monk with the hope that his illness would be transformed.

The family took Tuan to Ba Vang Pagoda and met Master Thich Truc Thai Minh (Photo taken in 2013)

During the 8th, 14th, and 30th days of every lunar month, Tuan and his family returned to the temple to practice regularly and received care and encouragement from Master: “On the days when he returned to the temple to practice, Master always called I came to chat, ask about the health situation and directly teach and guide my family to practice. Master also told his family about stories in his dreams where he saw Buddhas and Bodhisattvas blessing him to eliminate karma and recover from illness.” – Tuan shared.

During his treatment, Tuan and his father stayed at the home of a Buddhist in Ha Long city to practice daily. Your family has been supported by Buddhists in the ashrams in both practice and finance to dedicate merit. You also receive special attention from Ms. Pham Thi Yen: “Even though she is busy with work, she still spends a lot of time coming to talk, read, and personally recite sutras for her family. She also encouraged Buddhists in the ashram to regularly come and support their family’s practice. Each session usually has 5 – 10 people, with the largest number of days being 20 – 30 friends coming to help.

Buddhists often come to support the family’s practice (Photo taken in 2013)

After practicing for a while, miraculous things began to appear. Vinmec Hanoi International General Hospital received treatment for Tuan. In particular, Tuan personally received free surgery from American doctor McKay McKinnon – the world’s leading tumor expert. Although before that, there was no hospital that accepted surgery for Tuan’s illness.

During the time of preparing for surgery, thanks to the care and encouragement of Ms. Pham Thi Yen, Tuan did not feel afraid or worried even though his condition was extremely complicated: “Since being assisted by Ms. Up until the surgery, she talked to me, explained all the problems in detail and encouraged me mentally, so my thoughts were very comfortable. By the time I got on the surgery table, I didn’t feel any fear or psychological effects at all. Until the surgery was successful and when she returned home, she often called to visit and encourage her family to practice hard. When receiving such special attention, my family is extremely grateful and grateful to Master, the Great Monk and the Head Teacher.”

Thanks to Ms. Pham Thi Yen’s encouragement, Tuan is still very optimistic and not afraid of surgery

During the whole process of fighting the evil disease until he was completely cured, thanks to her constant companionship and encouragement, the healing journey was less difficult and Le Trung Tuan and his family felt secure. , have faith in life and motivation to diligently practice disease transformation.

The story of love and the destiny that makes a couple

After being completely cured, Tuan’s life had many positive changes. One of the bright spots in Tuan’s new life is his love story with Khuat Thi Sen, which many people care about and love.

1. The fate of meeting – starting from the Ba Vang throne

About 2-3 years ago, Tuan knew Sen through Facebook and Sen also knew Tuan through media articles and videos of his disease transformation story posted by Ba Vang Pagoda. The two of them talked online for a while. On a day in the third lunar month of 2021, the couple met by chance at Ba Vang Pagoda and this was the first time they officially talked in real life. From here, love blossomed and after 9 months of love, the two decided to get married.

2. A lasting love story built on the foundation of Buddha Dharma

Ideal model of love – Both a life partner and a religious friend

Usually in a couple’s love story, each person will have certain standards to choose the person who will spend the rest of their life with them. For the Tuan – Sen couple, the other person’s role model is simply a Buddhist – a life partner who is also a Buddhist friend.

Le Trung Tuan shared about the things he loves most about his partner: “My standard is simply being a Buddhist of Ba Vang Pagoda. Later, when I met Sen, I felt like my wish had come true. Right from the first meeting, I had sympathy; Sen is a calm person and speaks politely.”

Sharing about the good qualities of her husband-to-be, Sen happily said: “Over time, I found that Mr. Tuan is a person who cares very much about everyone around him, always giving in and supporting what he does.” do it right and give feedback on things that are not right. He has the good qualities of a Buddhist.”

The ideal role models for both of you are Buddhists

Solve emotional problems with knowledge of Buddha Dharma and books to encourage each other to practice

In a love story, in addition to the joyful and happy moments together, it is inevitable that there will be misunderstandings, anger, disagreements, etc. At that time, the two young people applied Master’s teachings and Dharma articles and her sharing to help solve problems together in an open and joyful spirit.

Sen shared: “Since our time in love, we have been angry with each other many times, but Mr. Tuan is always the one to apologize first and guide me on how to practice. He applied from listening to Master’s Dharma and her Dharma lectures to their love story. In addition, through her shared videos on the topic of love, I also know that we should not get angry too much. When we are angry with each other, we will come back to talk when we calm down. We also share frankly with each other about the things we are not satisfied with about the other person. Truly, your sharing helps me a lot!”.

With love built on the foundation of Buddhism, the Tuan – Sen couple always maintains faith in each other, helps each other grow as well as often encourages each other to practice: “Regarding the issue of studying, I am very happy and both understand each other. If anyone forgets, the other will remind and encourage each other to practice” – Tuan shared.

The couple applies Buddhist knowledge to troubleshoot emotional problems

Overcome family obstacles

Deciding to get together and get married puts Tuan and Sen under a lot of pressure when their families stop them and obstacles from people around them. However, the couple still steadfastly faced and overcame family obstacles by actively practicing to transform their karma.

“Not everyone can understand and sympathize with Mr. Tuan. I also have a lot of pressure from family and friends. However, I also try to overcome those obstacles. Luckily, my parents also knew about Buddhism and the temple, so they gradually understood and sympathized with Mr. Tuan. With friends, I talk about anything that doesn’t make sense so everyone understands. Otherwise, I don’t pay too much attention to other people’s opinions so as not to be emotionally divided. In addition, if I practice the Ba Vang Pagoda’s practice program to pray for rebirth and resolve resentment (lesson 8) to transform my karma, gradually I will be less hindered by people” – Sen shared.

Organize the Hang Thuan ceremony at the temple – Your wish is about to come true

From the guy who once had a seemingly incurable disease, Le Trung Tuan himself did not think that his life would magically change and achieve the current happiness as a couple thanks to the light of the day. Buddha Dharma enlightenment. The result of this special relationship will be marked by the Hang Thuan ceremony according to Buddhist rites at Ba Vang Pagoda on March 10, Nham Dan.

Couple Tuan – Sen took happy wedding photos togetherThe couple was happy with family and friends at the wedding ceremony in their hometown

Sharing about the reason he wanted to hold the Hang Thuan ceremony at Ba Vang Pagoda, Tuan expressed: “Firstly, now both husband and wife are Buddhists at Ba Vang Pagoda. Second, I have relied on the Teacher and the Great Monk of Ba Vang Pagoda, and on the Headmistress, so I want to rely on both building family happiness. What I want when organizing Hang Thuan at the temple is to receive blessings from Master and everyone as well as for our married life and practice to be complete and good.”

As for Sen, you have not attended any Hang Thuan ceremony before but have only watched through the live streaming media pages of Ba Vang Pagoda. You shared: “On the 8th of last Lunar New Year, I went to the Wishing Area of the pagoda to see the sights. By fate, I found a wish written to hold the Hang Thuan ceremony at the temple. I immediately hung it on the tree and my wish was about to come true. I feel very happy to be able to celebrate the Hang Thuan ceremony at the temple, and Master will also teach me good things about married life, love between husband and wife, and duties to parents.”

Gratitude to those who light up love and happiness

On the journey to happiness, thanks to Master Thich Truc Thai Minh and the Great Monk of Ba Vang Pagoda, her companionship and sharing articles on the topics of love and marriage, the two young people have support. solid, a great source of spiritual encouragement to build strong love like today.

Le Trung Tuan shared: “I am extremely happy and always appreciate and grateful to Master because he always cares and worries for me and my family. We would like to send our deepest gratitude to Master and the Great Monk and Headmistress for good health; is always the one who enlightens and guides everyone in general and my husband and wife in particular to study Buddhism and aim for good things and good deeds.

As for Sen, even though she has never had a direct conversation with her, she still regularly follows her Dharma lectures and shares on the temple’s media pages to learn knowledge. You shared: “Because we learned about Buddha Dharma and met Master and Teacher, we were destined to meet each other. We are also very fortunate to receive special attention from Master, Teacher and everyone. I would like to express my gratitude for the merits of Master and the Great Sangha and respectfully wish you good health, peace of mind and body, and a long life in this world to propagate Buddha Dharma for us to rely on. I would also like to thank you, you are the one who enlightens us and shows us the way to have a beautiful love and the perfect result is the upcoming Hang Thuan ceremony. Wishing you always be safe, healthy, blessed by the Buddhas, and continue to encourage Buddhists on their path of study.”

The love story of couple Le Trung Tuan – Khuat Thi Sen started with fate at Ba Vang Pagoda and blossomed and bore sweet fruit also here. Thanks to the direct care and guidance of the Master and the Great Monk of Ba Vang Pagoda, along with the companionship and sharing of Ms. Pham Thi Yen, the young man Le Trung Tuan with a malignant tumor has achieved perfect happiness. with a life partner who is also a religious friend.

April 10, 2022 – The couple, groom Le Trung Tuan – bride Khuat Thi Sen, held a consent ceremony at Ba Vang pagoda.

Readers are invited to follow the couple’s Consent ceremony at Ba Vang Pagoda on March 10, Nham Dan, broadcast live on the pagoda’s media channels: Facebook Ba Vang Pagoda, Golden Chrysanthemum Club – Luc Hoa Practice, Love – Marriage – Buddhist Family Club, Ba Vang Youth Club,…

Hopefully, through this article, readers will have more optimism, bright faith in life and diligently study Buddhism to get good karma, beautiful love, happiness and joy.

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