US Aircraft Carriers Discover Ingenious Methods for Maritime Self-Defense


Welcome back to the our channel for a video about how massive aircraft carriers protect themselves from danger when they’re in operation. Cool footage. Those catapults that luanch the jets are actually steam powered for most of the ships shown in the video.

Only the new Ford class carries are equipped with the electromagnetic catapults. At 4:14 I’m curious about cruising directly in the wake of another large vessel. Surely the entrained bubbles and turbulence of the leading ship’s wake would affect the efficiency of the trailing ship’s propellers, increasing the occurrence of cavitation, prime-mover wear and fuel consumption. Okay I’ve done 8 deployments seen everything from Beirut too 1st desert storm and many other theater’s that’s not known about.

To travel from Norfolk Va to the entrance to the Mediterranean. Most would think we travel in a straight line from point to point. But we travel farther northerly in a arch type travel directions then east to west points to points because farther north you go the faster you travel. Compared east to west or vice versa. Longitude an latitude  distances further north distance is shorter then closer to the south. Imagine shooting a arrow across a field the arrow will travel further shooting it in a arch then straight in the same amount of time. The arrow will travel further in longitude further north you go because distance is longer closer then to the equator you go. Same applies to the southern hemisphere and South pole. Ships travel faster around the globe by traveling in a arch to their destination between continents separated by a large sea. Now once in the Mediterranean its all on the same latitude so its point to point travels.

It would take a couple more days to travel point to point from Norfolk va to Mediterranean entrance then traveling in a arch up in the northern latitudes. Okay some might be confused.  So grab a ball wrap string around its biggest mass that’s distance…now measure that same string and measure the distance half way up the ball and its about a forth of the distance, so another way is grab that string which is now TIME measure the distance arching it from middle of it to the other side like a C.

Thats time, now from original point if measurement straighten the string out and you’ll notice you traveled much further in same amount of time by going up into the shorter area of the ball. String represents exact same time and distance traveled using shorter northerly distances then point to points on the longest possible distances.

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