The new American tank aims to surprise everyone


Since it first entered service in 1980, the US Army’s M1 Abrams has proven itself in combat around the world. 

This third-generation main battle tank (MBT), named after General Creighton Abrams, was designed for modern armored ground warfare and is presently one of the heaviest tanks in service.

 It introduced several innovative features, such as a computerized fire control system, separate ammunition storage in a blowing compartment, and Chobham composite armor. It is also equipped with a multi-fuel turbine engine to reach the highway’s top speeds of 45 mph.

Despite its groundbreaking capabilities when it was first released, the M1 has been continuously improved, and some believe the M1A2D (M1A2 SEPv4) will be even better.

The third-generation (3GEN), line-of-sight infrared (FLIR) sensor, and more lethal Advanced Multi-Purpose (AMP) ammunition will be installed in the tank as part of the Upgrade.

 M1A2 SEPv4:

The M1A2 SEPv4 Abrams main battle tank will be the most lethal. Tank personnel can identify hostile targets from a greater distance using the FLIR 3GEN, a foundational technology.

It will mean getting better sights and knowing how to use other battle platforms. With this Upgrade, the Abrams will add a color camera, an eye-safe laser rangefinder, and a cross-platform laser pointer to the commander’s sight. These features will make it easier to fight across multiple domains.

 In addition to improved lethality, the M1A2 SEPv4 will include fully integrated training to maximize crew proficiency in the system. “This program got launched early enough to incorporate whatever technology the Army deems critical to the future battlefield, such as artificial intelligence, autonomy, APS, or advanced sensors,” the service noted. 

The M1A2D Upgrade will include improved slip rings connecting the hull and turret hardware, which may reduce the number of “boxes” needed for instrument communication. Equipment is also protected.

Contacts for Major Upgrades for the Abrams M1A2 SEPv4

In 2021, General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) received a $25 million contract to add new training software and cyber security features to the next generation M1 Abrams.

The Upgrade will include adding the Abrams Platform Integrated Training System Gate-To-Live-Fire capabilities and fault insertion language.

 Also, in June 2020, Leonardo DRS won two contracts worth a total of $310 million to supply the latest MFoCS system, a set of computers, tablets, and other vehicle parts.

An upgrade of SEPv4, the next-generation Abrams tank, GDLS got a contract to develop in 2017 for the ABrams M1A2 SEPv3, which GDLS is now building for the Army. 

GDLS was awarded a $4.6 billion production contract for SEPv3 in December. The SEPv4 update will build on the M1A2 SEPv3 updates and, according to the US Army, will include:

– A third-generation infrared-enhanced primary gunner’s sight (GPS) (3GEN FLIR)

– An improved laser rangefinder (LRF) and a color camera

– Improvements to the laser pointer, color camera, and laser pointer; Allowing the fire control system to digitally interact with the new Advanced MultiPurpose Round (AMP) improves lethality.

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