United Arab Emirates Signs Contract with Milrem Robotics to Purchase Combat Unmanned Ground Vehicles

Milrem Robotics to Supply Combat Unmanned Ground Vehicles Order to United Arab Emirates
Milrem Robotics to Supply Combat Unmanned Ground Vehicles Order to United Arab Emirates

Milrem Robotics, Europe’s leading developer of robotics and autonomous systems, has signed a contract to supply 20 tracked robotic combat vehicles (RCVs) and 40 THeMIS unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ministry of Defence. The agreement, which represents the world’s largest combat robotics programme, was announced at the Unmanned Systems Exhibition & Conference (UMEX 2024) being held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC) until 24 January. Under the terms of the contract, Milrem Robotics will lead an experimentation and trial programme aimed at integrating unmanned ground capabilities into the UAE Armed Forces’ arsenal.

Kuldar Väärsi, CEO of Milrem Robotics said: “EDGE Group’s investment in Milrem Robotics has opened new avenues for us in the region, further expanding our international growth and market presence. Initiating the world’s largest combat robotics programme with the UAE Ministry of Defence not only demonstrates the competitive edge of our solutions but also highlights the strategic value of incorporating advanced robotic systems into force structure, thereby enhancing their combat capabilities and operational efficiency.”

This initiative is a significant step towards enhancing the Armed Forces’ combat capabilities through the deployment of THeMIS UGVs and tracked RCVs, which are both equipped with advanced autonomy features, third-party payloads and high-quality communication solutions. The contract includes the supply of tracked RCVs with 30mm MK44 cannons, THeMIS Combat units equipped with 30mm M230LF Remote Weapon Stations and with Indirect Fire Systems, and THeMIS Observe units with radar and camera systems, including shot detection capabilities. Milrem Robotics will also provide comprehensive training and supervision to ensure the relevant personnel achieve a satisfactory skill level in operating combat unmanned ground systems.

Milrem Robotics is an Estonian robotic vehicle manufacturer. Their primary products are the THeMIS UGV, the Multiscope UGV and a robotic combat vehicle designated as the Type-X. The company runs subsidiaries in the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden and the US. In February 2023 the EDGE group located in the UAE[1] bought a majority share of the company giving the UAE access to knowledge about the European IMUGS (integrated modular ground system) and CUGS (combined unmanned ground system). Milrem Robotics’ Management System has been audited and found to be in accordance with the following standards: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and AQAP 2110:2016.

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