Billionaire Cristiano Ronaldo opens the gate of his “kingdom” with a luxury villa worth up to £ 400 million in Saudi Arabia


Cristiano Ronaldo has started his stay in Saudi Arabia in grand fashion by reserving a suite in the opulent Kingdom Tower, one of the tallest and most impressive structures in the country.

Ronaldo’s apartment in the Kingdom Tower is said to come with a hefty price tag of £250,000 if he decides to make it his family’s permanent residence in the Middle East.

After parting ways with Manchester United in November, Ronaldo signed a two-and-a-half-year contract with Al-Nassr, a Saudi Arabian club. His lucrative cash package is estimated to be over £400 million, and he wasted no time in purchasing his first home.

According to reports, Ronaldo currently resides in the Kingdom Tower’s 99-story building, offering breathtaking views of Riyadh.

He shares the luxurious “Kingdom Suite” with his partner, Georgina Rodríguez, and their five children.

This exclusive suite is described as having unrivaled views of the city and spans two floors, located on the 48th and 50th levels. It boasts a spacious living room, private office, dining room, and media room.

The interior of the hotel, which generates annual sales of £172 million, is fitting for a five-time Ballon d’Or winner.

Although the Ronaldo Suite and the “Royal Suite” (which is larger than most apartments in the UK at 2,595 square feet) are not publicly advertised on the Kingdom Tower website, they can be discreetly rented.

While the exact details of Ronaldo’s suite are not disclosed, the “Presidential Suite,” which costs £3,300 per night, gives an indication of the level of luxury and the amount one can expect to spend during their stay in the Kingdom Tower.

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