China and Russia were astonished by America’s New Super F-22 following an update

This America’s New Super F-22 Shocked The Russian and china After upgrade If the United States Air Force gets its way, nearly a dozen of Tyndall Air Base’s (AFB’s) Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor fighter jets could be retired and sent to the “boneyard” at the Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson, Arizona.

The aircraft have been operating out of the nearby Eglin, AFB in Florida since Hurricane Michael significantly damaged Tyndall in October 2018. The current plan has been to move the F-22 training unit to Langley AFB in Virginia, but Air Force officials would instead like to divest 33 of the service’s oldest F-22s and use that money to research cutting-edge combat jet designs under the “Next-Generation Air Dominance” program.

The Air Force has said that it would cost $1.8 billion over the next eight years to upgrade those early fifth-generation stealth fighters from training aircraft to combat fighters – and suggested the money would be better spent on upgrading to newer F-22s with more advanced sensors and investing in the Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II.

However, that will still need Congressional approval. If that should happen, all but three Block 20 Raptors would head to the “boneyard” and shrink the overall fleet of the F-22s from 186 to 153.

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