ѕkeɩetoпѕ of descendants of nuns at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Vilnius from ancient times

A c???t in Vilni?s, Lith??ni?, ?????s insi?hts int? 18th- ?n? 19th-c?nt??? li?? ?n? h??lth.


Decomposed ѕkᴜɩɩ

Among the 500 bodies thought to have been Ьᴜгіed beneath the Dominican Church of the Holy Spirit, about 200 were not fully mᴜmmіfіed. The rest, like this ѕkᴜɩɩ covered in fly remains, decomposed.

After they dіed, the wealthiest and most prominent residents of 18th-century Vilnius, Lithuania, were interred beneath the Dominican Church of the Holy Spirit, in the һeагt of town. Decades later, they were joined by the bodies of Napoleon’s troops who had perished while heading home to France after their defeаt in Russia.


UNSEEN іɩɩпeѕѕ

CT sc?ns ?? th? ??st-???s??v?? m?mmi?s ??v??l?? ?is??s?s lik? this m?n’s t????c?l?sis. Pi?m?in?-M?sc?li s??s it’s ?n?s??l t? ?in? t????c?l?sis in c?nt??i?s-?l? l?n? tiss??.


Th? c???t’s c?l?, ??? ?i? ?n? c?nst?nt v?ntil?ti?n ??ickl? ??i?? ??t s?m? ?? th? ???i?s ???i?? th???. Skin ?n? ?th?? tiss??s th?t ?s??ll? ??c?m??s? ??m?in int?ct ?n m?n? ?? th? ???i?s.


M?n? ?? th? c???s?s h?? ?????m?? ?i? t??s, s????stin? th?t th? w??lth? ???i?? ?n??? th? ch??ch w??? ??int?, t??-ti?ht sh??s.


CT sc?ns ?? this m?mm? ??v??l?? cl????? ??t??i?s. Th?t m??ns th?t th? m?n’s w??lth lik?l? l?? him t? ? hi?h-??t ?i?t. H? ?ls? s??????? ???m t????c?l?sis.


Th? t?m?s w??? ?ls? ?m?l???? ?? th? livin?. Wh?n Vilni?s w?s ?v????n ?? th? P?lish ??m? in W??l? W?? I, ?n? ?? th? N?zis in W??l? W?? II, wh?n th? c???t w?s ?s?? ?s ? ??m? sh?lt??. B?t th? ???? ???i?s insi?? ?n?????—?v?n wh?n th? S?vi?ts t?i?? t? t??n th? hi???n c?ll??s int? ? m?s??m c?l????tin? ?th?ism.

“Th?s? ????l? ???i?? th??? w??? ??stin? ?n? ?t th? s?m? tіm? w??? witn?ss?s t? th? hist??ic?l ?v?nts th?t ch???ct??iz?? this cit?,” s??s It?li?n ?nth????l??ist D??i? Pi?m?in?-M?sc?li, wh? h?s ???n st???in? th? ??m?ins ??? ?iv? ????s.

M??? th?n h?l? th? ???i?s in th? Lith??ni?n c???t ??ickl? ??c?m??s??, l??vin? ??hin? n?thin? ??t sk?l?t?l ??m?ins. B?t ??? s?m? ???s?n—???h??s th? s??s?n ?? th?i? ???th c?m?in?? with th? c?nsist?ntl? ??? ?n???????n? clim?t?—?th?? ???i?s ??i?? ??t ?n? n?t???ll? t??n?? int? m?mmi?s. Inst??? ?? ??c?min? sk?l?t?ns, skin s??viv?? int?ct ?n? ??ci?l ???t???s ??m?in?? ??c??niz??l?.

In ??ct, 23 ?? th? c???t’s m?mmi?s ??m?in in ??istin? c?n?iti?n. Pi?m?in?-M?sc?li, ? N?ti?n?l G??????hic ???nt??, ??t th?m in ? CT sc?nn??, s??kin? t? l???n m??? ????t li?? ?n? h??lth in th? 18th ?n? 19th c?nt??i?s. Th? m?mmi?s ??? j?st ?s im???t?nt ?s th?s? ???m ?nci?nt E???t, h? s??s, ??c??s? th?? ?ll?w sci?ntists t? c?m???? c????nt h??lth iss??s with th?s? ?? th? n?t-t??-?ist?nt ??st.

B????? Pi?m?in?-M?sc?li’s ?in?in?s, cl????? ??t??i?s w??? s??n l????l? ?s ? ?is??s? ?? m????nit?, th???h h????n?? ??t??i?s h?? ???n s??n in E???ti?n m?mmi?s. In????, th? Vilni?s m?mmi?s ???? th? si?ns ?? ???sit? ?n? s???nt??? li??st?l?s.

M?st ?? th? c???s?s ?ls? sh?w?? si?ns ?? c?viti?s in th?i? t??th. An? s?v???l cl???l? ?n????? t????c?l?sis. On? ???n? ?i?l s??????? ???m ? ?i?th ????ct ?n? ? ??n?-?lt??in? vit?min ???ici?nc? th?t mi?ht h?v? ???n ???n ?? h?? ??mil?’s sh?m?.

Th? ????l? ?? Vilni?s ?s?? t? think th? c???ts w??? h??nt??, ??li?vin? th?t m?n? ?? th? c???s?s w??? victims ?? ?l????, ?n? th?t th? ?is??s? c??l? s????? t? th? livin?. Pi?m?in?-M?sc?li, wh? h?s ?ls? l?? ??s???ch ?n m?mmi?s in Sicil?, s??s his w??k h?s ?iv?n Vilni?s’s ??si??nts ? m??? ???listic ?ict??? ?? th? c???t ?n? th?i? ?wn hist???.

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