Lockheed Martin’s Joint-Air-To-Ground Missile (JAGM) Cleared for Full Rate Production

Continuing the legacy of superior precision engagement performance, Lockheed Martin’s Joint-Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM) is ready for full rate production. The FRP decision enables Lockheed Martin to produce the JAGM system in higher quantities for its customers without restrictions.

Lockheed Martin Joint-Air-To-Ground Missile cleared for full rate production

The milestone also marks the successful completion of operational testing of JAGM on the US Army’s AH-64E Apache and the Marine Corps’ AH-1Z Viper helicopters. On August 30, 2022, the U.S. Army approved the JAGM system to enter full rate production (FRP). This decision showcases the maturation of the JAGM program and the Army’s confidence in JAGM’s long-term production and sustainment capabilities.

India blows Apache wildly and hits the new light tank with hellfire?  Expert: Just hit a flying crossbow 6 - iNEWSU.S. Army testing of the Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM) via an AH-64 Apache Longbow at Cibola Range, Yuma Proving Ground

“JAGM’s advanced capabilities and increased commonality positions its users to maintain a competitive advantage over the threats of today and tomorrow. The full rate production decision demonstrates that the program has not only reached a maturation point, but it also is a vote of confidence from the Army in the product,” says Joey Drake, program management director of Air-to-Ground Missile Systems at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control.

“JAGM has repeatedly proven that it can be counted on when it matters most, providing mission-focused offensive and defense capabilities and maintaining a competitive edge against any potential adversaries,” says Jerry Brode, vice president of Close Combat Systems at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control.

Seh dir den Tweet von @USMC auf Twitter an / TwitterU.S. Marines with Marine Operational Test and Evaluation Squadron 1 (VMX-1) load a joint air-to-ground missile (JAGM) onto an AH-1Z Viper during an operational test at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona, Dec. 6, 2021. VMX-1 fired and evaluated the JAGM to determine its suitability and effectiveness to support expeditionary advanced base operations, such as conducting strike and Close Air Support Missions.

JAGM combines its dual-mode seeker with the combat-proven HELLFIRE® missile bus to take precision engagement to the next level. JAGM will replace the legacy Lockheed Martin-made HELLFIRE® Romeo and HELLFIRE® Longbow missiles. JAGM is a multi-sensor air-to-ground missile that is backward compatible to the M299 launcher and, with appropriate integration upgrades, to all platforms (air, ground and maritime) that currently employ HELLFIRE or Longbow missiles. JAGM boosts increased commonality with rotor-wing and fixed-wing platforms across the services including the AH-64, MQ-1C, AH-1Z and potentially, MQ-9, MH-60R/S, LCS and M-SHORAD. JAGM provides increased lethality and operational flexibility to all platforms.

Lockheed Developing New Roles For JAGM | Aviation Week Network

The multi-mode guidance section offers enhanced performance on the battlefield. The dual-mode sensor combines improved Semi-Active Laser (SAL) and millimeter wave (MMW) radar sensors providing precision strike and fire-and-forget capability against stationary and moving land and maritime and even airborne targets. This seeker enables JAGM users to strike multiple targets, near simultaneously, with more precision in adverse weather and obscured battlefield conditions which increases user survivability and effectiveness. To stay ahead of adversary advancement, Lockheed Martin is also investing in future JAGM product improvements including increasing JAGM’s range out to 16 km in the JAGM-Medium Range variant. JAGM-MR nearly doubles JAGM’s current range without impacting JAGM’s length or diameter. This significant increase in capability optimizes JAGM for multi-domain operations.

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