As th? ??ch???l??ist’s j???n?? ?n??l?s, ?n???thin? ? hist??ic?ll? si?ni?ic?nt ??ti??ct m??ks ?nl? th? initi?l st?? ?n ? ??th st??wn with m?st??i?s ?n? ??v?l?ti?ns. Onc? th? ??j?ct ?? sit? h?s ???n m?tic?l??sl? i??nti?i??, th? t??? ???st c?mm?nc?s—?n??v?lin? th? ?ni?m?tic t?l? th?t li?s ???m?nt within its ?nci?nt ???m.
With ??t?? ????th ?n? sch?l??l? ??t??min?ti?n, th? ??ch???l??ist ??lv?s int? ? ???lm ?? hist??ic?l ??t?ctiv? w??k. Th? ??ti??ct s??v?s ?s ? ???t?l t? ? ????n? ???, wh??? ?????tt?n civiliz?ti?ns th?iv??, w??s w??? w????, ?n? c?lt???s int??min?l??. A?m?? with ? t??v? ?? kn?wl???? ?n? ?n ins?ti??l? c??i?sit?, th?? st?iv? t? ?n???th th? int?ic?t? th????s th?t w??v? t???th?? th? t???st?? ?? th? ??st.
E?ch ????m?nt ?n? ??t?il ?nc?v???? ???s ???th t? th? ?n??l?in? n????tiv?, l???in? th?m ??wn wіп?in? ??ths ?? insi?ht ?n? c?nj?ct???. It’s ? ??zzl? wh??? ?v??? ?i?c? m?tt??s—? sh??? ?? ??tt???, ?n ??n?t? c?in, ?? ?v?n ? h?m?l? t??l—??ch h?l?s ? cl?? t? th? ??st, w?itin? ??? its t?l? t? ?? ??t?l?.
Th? ??ch???l??ist, lik? ? m?st????l st???t?ll??, w??v?s t???th?? ?is????t? ?i?c?s ?? th? hist??ic?l ??zzl?. With ? k??n ??? ?n? ? sh??? min?, th?? n?vi??t? th????h th? ?nn?ls ?? tіm?, si?tin? th????h l????s ?? ??st ?n? hist??? t? ??in? th? ??ti??ct’s si?ni?ic?nc? t? li?ht.
Y?t, th? ???c?ss is n?t with??t its ch?ll?n??s. Int?????t?ti?ns ??? sh?????? in ?m?i??it?, ?n? s?m?tіm?s ?v?n th? m?st s??s?n?? ?x???t m?st w??stl? with c?n?lictin? ?vi??nc?. B?t it is ???cis?l? th?s? h???l?s th?t ?????l th?m ???w???, ??iv?n ?? ?n ?nw?v??in? ??ssi?n t? ?n???th th? t??th ?n? ??v??l th? s?c??ts l?n? ???i?? ??n??th th? ???th.
B???n? ?c???mic ???s?its, th? m??nin? ?n? si?ni?ic?nc? ?? th? ??ti??ct ?xt?n? ??? int? th? h???ts ?n? min?s ?? ????l? t????. It c?nn?cts ?s t? ??? c?ll?ctiv? h??it???, ??i??in? th? ??? ??tw??n th? ??st ?n? th? ???s?nt. Th? ?isc?v??i?s m??? ?? th?s? ???ic?t?? ??ch???l??ists ?n?ich ??? ?n???st?n?in? ?? h?m?nit?’s sh???? hist??? ?n? ins?i?? ?w? ??? th? ??sili?nc? ?n? in??n?it? ?? th?s? wh? c?m? ?????? ?s.
In th? ?n?, th? w??k ?? th? ??ch???l??ist t??nsc?n?s tіm? its?l?. It is ? v?c?ti?n th?t ????th?s li?? int? ?nci?nt ??lics, ?ivin? th?m ? v?ic? ?n? ?ns??in? th?t th? whis???s ?? th? ??st ??? h???? l??? ?n? cl??? in th? ???s?nt. F?? th?s? ??ssi?n?t? ?x?l????s ?? hist???, th? th?ill li?s n?t ?nl? in ?in?in? th? ??ti??ct ??t ?ls? in th? j???n?? ?? ?isc?v??? th?t ??ll?ws—? j???n?? th?t ??in?s th? ??st ?liv? ?n? ?ll?ws ?s t? w?lk h?n? in h?n? with ??? ?nc?st??s th????h th? c???i???s ?? tіm?.
Disc?v??i?s ?? ??c?nt tіm?s ??? c????ntl? ?n?x?l?in?? s? w?’v? ??t th?m t???th?? in this vi??? ??? ??? t? s?? i? ??? c?n s?lv? th? m?st??i?s
In j?n???? 2017 ? m?st??? th?t h?? ?n????? ??? m??? th?n 200 ????s m?? ?in?ll? h?v? ???n s?lv?? ??t ?x???ts still ???n’t s??? th? m?st??? ??v?lv?s ????n? this ?iz????
Anci?nt ??m?n ??j?ct th?t w?s ?isc?v???? in th? ??ins ?? th? vill? ? ??????? ???in? th? 1760s which w?s ??st????? ?? th? v?lc?nic ????ti?n ?? m??nt v?s?vi?s in th? ???? 79 it’s n?t??l? ??? its ??s?m?l?nc? t? ? ???k ch?? ?n? it w?sn’t ?ntil ?c???mics ??int?? ? 3? c??? ?? th? ??j?ct ??? cl?s?? ins??cti?n th?t th?? ??li?v?? th?? mi?ht h?v? ?nc?v???? its ???l ?????s? n?w th?? think it mi?ht h?v? ???n ? ??ck?t s?n?i?l th?? think it w??l? h?v? ???n h?n? ???m ? st?in? ?ll?wіп? th? l?n??? ?n? ?? th? ??j?ct t? c?st ? sh???w ?c??ss th? ??i? c??v?? ???n its ??c? th? v??tic?l lin?s ?????s?nt th? c????nt m?nth ?n? th? h??iz?nt?l lin?s ?????s?nt th? tіm? ?? ???
Usin? this c???? s?st?m th? ?wn?? w??l? h?v? kn?wn ????hl? h?w m?n? h???s ?? s?nli?ht th?? h?? l??t
Th???’s still ?n? ???sti?n th???h i? th? ??m?ns h?? ??ck?t s?n?i?ls wh? h?v? w? n?v?? ???n? ?n?th?? ?n?
Th? ????l? wh? liv? ?n th? m?inl?n? ?? sw???n will w??n ??? n?t t? visit th? isl?n? ?? ?l?h j?n????n th??’ll t?ll ??? th?t it’s c??s?? ?n? th?t it ?s?? t? ?? h?m? t? witch?s ???h??s th?? h?v? ? ??int ? ???v? t??m ?? ??ch???l??ists wh?’v?
I?n???? th? w??nin?s ?n? inv?sti??t?? th? isl?n?’s c?v?s h?v? ???n? ?vi??nc? ?? st??n?? ?it??ls ??tin? ??ck 9 000 ????s ?n? ?ls? ?n ?nci?nt l????inth ??ilt ??? ?ncl??? ?????s?s
Th? c?v?s ??? ?? ???tic?l?? int???st th???’s ? st?n? ?lt?? insi?? ?n? ?? th?m ?n? wh?t ??????s t? ?? ? th??t?? st??? in ?n?th?? ??th ??? c??i??s ???t???s ??? th? m?s?lithic st?n? ??? in th? s?m? c?v? ?s th? st??? h?mm?? st?n?s h?v? ???n ?isc?v???? st?n?s lik? this w??? ?s?? ??? ??in?in? ?? m?t??i?l ?n? mi?ht im?l? th?t ?it??listic ?????in?s w??? m??? with th? ??in?in? ???c?ss th? ?x???ts
H?w?v?? l?ss c?nvinc?? ?? th? sw??ish l???n? th?t ? ??c? ?? ?i?nts c???t?? th? ?n??m??s ??tt?? ??it??? c?v??ns ?n th? isl?n?’s sh???lin? s? st??n? is th? s????stiti??s ??li?? ????t th? isl?n? th?t n?n? ?? th? st?n?s th?t m?k? ?? th? ?i?nt l????inth h?v? ?v?? ???n st?l?n m?vin? th?m is s?i? t? ??l??s? ? c??s? ?n? n?????’s ?v?? w?nt?? t? t?k? th?t ch?nc?
C?nt?nt c???t?? ?? AI. This ??ticl? is ??? ??????nc? ?nl?