At the shelter, a heartwarming reunion unfolds as a missing dog is happily reunited with its mom and dad, a moment that has deeply touched millions around the world-pvth

Losing your dog is one of the most devastating things anyone can face as they are family members. So, when Brittney lost Ashley, one of her dogs, as she went missing, she was completely devastated. Not only Brittney was sad, her 3 other dogs were also sad as one of them called Mavis laid by the door and stopped eating!

Ashley just escaped the home as the door was left open accidentally by a dog sitter. When Brittney knew about that she directly went searching for her for many hours but to no avail. Brittney decided to share what happened with her dog on Facebook to see if she could find a clue. Nothing came to her for 2 weeks, but someone saw her post about Ashley and sent a message to her on Facebook.

The dog was taken by an animal shelter in Daytona Beach, Florida, which is 200 miles away from Brittney’s home in Georgia. The massage had a note that the shelter shared a post for a dog who is available for adoption looks exactly like Ashley. Ashley was about to be given to another family, but Brittney called the Humane Society in the exact time to tell them that she was hers.

However, they wanted a proof as Ashley was not microchipped, so, Brittney told the volunteer to call the dog Ashley to see if she responded. Ashley directly responded to her name when she was called, so, Brittney directly headed to Daytona with Ashley’s vet papers to claim her dog back. The reunion was very emotional as Ashley started jumping once she saw her family.

According to the Halifax Humane Society more than 52% of the microchipped dogs return to their owners out of 22% of all lost dogs that entered animal shelters. This means that dogs should be microchipped. Watch the video below.

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