Scientists are looking into the mysteries surrounding the mummified “300-year-old mermaid”

It’s not every day that a strange creature washes up on the beach. This creature was only one foot long and came from the sea.

Scientists will investigate a mummified “mermaid” who is claimed to offer immortality to anyone who consumes its flesh.

The enigmatic 12-inch monster was reputedly caught in the Pacific Ocean off the Japanese island of Shikoku between 1736 and 1741 and is now housed at a temple in Asakuchi.

“Japanese mermaids have an immortality legend,” he explained.

“It is rumored that if you eat mermaid flesh, you would never die.”

“There is a tradition in many parts of Japan that a woman ate the flesh of a mermaid by accident and lived for 800 years.”

“The ‘Yao-Bikuni’ mythology is also kept close to the shrine where the mermaid mummy was discovered.”

“I heard that some people used to consume the scales of mermaid mummies, believing in the folklore.”

A mermaid is an aquatic creature having the head and upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish, according to tradition. [1] Mermaids exist in folklore from all across the world, including Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Mermaids have been linked to dangerous events such as floods, storms, shipwrecks, and drownings. They can be friendly or beneficent in other folk traditions (or sometimes within the same traditions), granting boons or falling in love with humans.

The merman, the male counterpart of the mermaid, is a well-known character in folklore and heraldry. Although mermen legends and sightings are less widespread than mermaids, they are often considered to coexist with their female counterparts. Males and females are occasionally referred to jointly.

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