Cora Rose, a tiny poodle, was saved by Zach Skow, the founder of Marley’s Mυtts Dog Grandpa, and his wife Heather Skow after a devastating car accident several years ago.
The accident resulted in the fracture of both legs and also affected her heart. Cora was quickly taken to the Veterinary Hospital. from Bakersfield, where it was necessary to amputate her legs.
But luckily, Cora was a strong little dog. The pain quickly passed and she began to try to move and wag her tail.
The puppy gradually learned to stand up and walk on her hind legs. Day by day, as her two legs grew stronger, she became happier.
Now, the incredible dog can stand like a dog and jump like a dog. She always stays ahead. She also has a wheelchair so she can run wherever she wants.
Every day, Cora is living a great life. She fits right in with the Skow family. She gets along great with the other dogs, has an incredible friendship with Zach and Heather’s daughter, and has even taught her little boy how to walk.
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