Danish Defense Company Terma Introduces F-35 Multi-Mission Pod


Terma has delivered more than a 100 Gun Pods for the F-35 Lightning ll, the only certified external pod for the F-35 fighter jet. Terma is now introducing the F-35 Multi-Mission Pod – a further development to the Gun Pod, providing additional mission payload volume for the platform. The F-35 is truly a fighter jet built for the future. Designed to become better, more intelligent, and more powerful with every fight, every update, and every technological development. However, introducing new hardware capabilities to the F-35 is an expensive matter as adding new sensors or weaponry to the fuselage requires extensive engineering work and aircraft down time.

Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Stealth Fighter

The Terma F-35 Multi-Mission Pod provides additional mission payload volume for the platform. This gives the warfighter increased capability and flexibility to augment the aircraft based on mission requirements. The Multi-Mission Pod can be tailored to provide capabilities including EW/Self-Protection, Concealed Stores Carriage, ISR Payloads, Power Generation, Directed Energy Capability, additional Jammers, or any other hardware capability, you might need. The Multi-Mission Pod provides the additional physical space on the F-35 – without compromising the aircraft radar signature.

Terma F-35 Multi-Mission Pod

Terma’s Multi-Mission Pod is based on our F-35 Gun Pod, the only certified design for an external F-35 pod. The Multi-Mission Pod retains the same outer mold line of the Gun Pod which minimizes flight certification requirements for payloads. This allows rapid and low-cost integration of additional capability on the aircraft since aerodynamic and signature performance is unaffected. The development of the Terma Multi-Mission Pod is leveraging from Terma’s F-35 Gun Pod experience. Terma has delivered over a 100 Gun Pods for the F-35 program, with over 100,000 engineering hours, and is the only manufacturer of a certified external pod on the F-35 Lightning ll.

Terma was established in 1949 and is Headquartered in Aarhus, Denmark, Terma has subsidiaries and operations in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, India, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Indonesia as well as a wholly-owned U.S. subsidiary, Terma Inc. Terma Inc. is headquartered in Atlanta, with other offices in in the Washington D.C. area, Georgia, Texas, and Virginia. Terma’s high-tech solutions and products are developed and designed for use in extreme mission-critical environments and situations, where human lives and valuable material assets are at stake. Terma is owned by the Thomas B. Thrige Foundation, Copenhagen, Denmark.

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