Shocking video shows two-year-old laughing happily playing with a giant poisonous SOLID wrapped around his tiny body (VIDEO)


This adorable toddler seems to prove fear really does come with age – as he can’t stop laughing while playing with a wild snake .

While most people would run a mile, this two-year-old boy seems endlessly amused by the sight of a serpent slithering across the living room floor of his family home.

He even grabs the reptile by the head and squeals with delight as his terrified mum is heard screaming in the background.

The excited toddler then flings the snake across the room like a toy before grabbing it again when it tries to escape.

He even finds it hilarious when the reptile menacingly wraps itself around the boy, who is only wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

Despite his mums screams, she looks on while sitting on the sofa with their legs swinging in the air to avoid being touched by the snake in their home at Guangdong province, China.

The clip went viral after it emerged on Chinese social media earlier this month.

The toddler couldn’t stop laughing

Viewers expressed their shock and said the youngster ‘has no fear’.

Linda Huang said: “I don’t like snakes. I can hardly watch the video because I feel scared of the boy.”

Frank Xia added: “The snake is a wild one. It probably entered the flat through the window or bathroom. We see them a lot.”


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