Norway Places Order for NASAMS Advanced Air Defense Missile Systems



Launcher unit of NASAMS air defense missile system. (Picture source: Norwegian MoD)

Hungary Receives First NASAMS Air Defense Systems From Norway

The contract, signed with the Norwegian Defence Material Agency (NDMA), encompasses new multi-missile canister launchers and updated Fire Distribution Centers for the air defense missile system. These new additions will replace equipment previously donated to Ukraine, reflecting a strategic upgrade in Norway’s defense infrastructure.

Hungary boosts air defence with NASAMS system

“Air defence is crucial for the defence of both Norway and Ukraine. We are now increasing volume and upgrading the existing NASAMS system with modern equipment capable of intercepting a variety of threats. The current security situation dictates that we must accelerate the development of air defence and the upgrade of NASAMS. This agreement ensures rapid delivery to the Armed Forces and contributes to increasing production capacity in the defence industry,” stated Norway’s Defence Minister Bjørn Arild Gram.

The NOK 4.8 billion contract includes a fixed-price option worth NOK 2.5 billion, which remains valid until January 2025. Should this option be exercised, NDMA will have contracts in place and deliveries of NASAMS equipment for four air defence batteries within just one year.

Eirik Lie, President of Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace

Lithuania to transfer additional NASAMS air defense systems to Ukraine soon  / The New Voice of Ukraine, emphasized the strategic importance of this acquisition: “A state-of-the-art air defence system is strategically important for Norway’s defence capabilities and is vital for safeguarding our national security interests. This delivery will provide Norway with the latest generation of NASAMS, developed to meet current and future threats.”

Gro Jære, Director of the Norwegian Defence Material Agency, highlighted the importance of this collaboration, stating, “Significant steps are now being taken to secure national interests by rapidly providing the Armed Forces with increased and modern air defence capabilities. This is made possible through close and effective collaboration between us, KONGSBERG, and the broader defence sector.”

The Norwegian Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System  has been a cornerstone of Norway’s air defence since its initial delivery in the 1990s. Currently used by 13 nations, NASAMS is known for its modularity and open architecture, allowing for continuous upgrades to meet evolving threats and missions. This flexibility makes NASAMS one of the most adaptable and reliable air defence solutions available.

KONGSBERG has committed to expanding its production capacity and strengthening its partnerships with both Norwegian and international suppliers, ensuring a robust defence preparedness on a global scale.

This strategic acquisition marks a significant step in Norway’s ongoing efforts to enhance its national security and defence capabilities, ensuring the country is well-equipped to face current and future aerial threats.

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