Beautiful and frail, the homeless dog gave up the fight against starvation and dehydration in an unwavering struggle to survive.


When she was brought to a cat and  dog rescue center in Granada, Spain, the  dog, Barilla, was skin and bone with few internal organs that could operate correctly. Furthermore, her muscles are quite weak, she can no longer walk, and she is only paralyzed in one location.

Staff at the center were worried that Barilla, who weighed just 7.2kg, would survive the critical health condition. Not only that, but being only one night late would not save a life.

Because Barilla couldn’t stand on her own, the staff provided her a prop to help her gain muscles. It was also hydrated continually for 6 hours before the staff ventured to feed it anything more nutritional.

Barilla has scratches on all four of her legs, which were caused by crawling on the ground.

Barilla was able to get up and drink water after 6 hours of water supply, but it didn’t last long.

Barilla has gained 4kg after a week of care and therapy, but she is still unable to walk or stand for extended periods of time and often falls to the floor. Barilla didn’t start eating properly for another 6 weeks, but she could run and leap like any other healthy  dog.

Barilla was very dedicated to the care of the staff.

The shelter’s owner, Eduardo Rodriguez, 37, chose to adopt Barilla because it was love at first sight. Barilla presently lives with his wife, 14-year-old daughter, and five additional canines at his Rodriguez house on the outskirts of Granada.

Barilla has a house of her own after months of living on the streets.

Anh Rodriguez said that this was his first  dog adoption since one of his  dogs perished in an accident five years ago. “Her drive to survive was incredible, and I felt a connection to her the first time I saw her,” he said of his choice.

From the beginning, Anh Rodriguez and Barilla were extremely affectionate and committed.

Barilla’s recuperation has been remarkable; from the fourth day of her rescue, she has been eating 5-6 meals per day and gaining 1kg per day. Barilla’s weight has already reached 20.8 kg and she is almost totally healed.

The locals discovered Barilla and reported her to the rescue center and police. Barilla was barely ten months old when she was rescued. The police are still looking into who placed the unfortunate  dog in this condition.

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