A Touching Metamorphosis: Fhandee the Saved Elephant’s Road to Recuperation


In July 2023, Fhandee, the elephant, was rescued in a dire state. She was frail and blind, struggling to perform daily tasks due to her condition. Additionally, her deafness added unforeseen challenges to her care.

Initially, Fhandee exhibited fear and suspicion towards her new surroundings, making adaptation difficult.

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She experienced numerous falls and had trouble regaining her balance, causing concern among her caregivers about her survival.

Despite these hurdles, Fhandee’s resilience showed as she fought fiercely to regain her strength, driven by her robust appetite.

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The dedicated veterinarians and mahouts at the sanctuary provided exceptional care, ensuring Fhandee received high-quality soft food daily. Their unwavering support and care led to a remarkable transformation in Fhandee’s condition.

Today, December 29, 2023, at the Elephant Nature Park Sanctuary, we witness the incredible power of love and care in Fhandee’s recovery.

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