A test is conducted by the Indian Navy using an Extended-Range Anti-Submarine Rocket (ER-ASR).


The Extended Range Anti Submarine Rocket (ER-ASR) developed by two Pune-based facilities of the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) was successfully test-fired for the first time from the Indian Navy’s guided missile destroyer INS Chennai on April 3. The ER-ASR, designed and developed by Pune-based Armament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE) and High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL), is intended to replace the existing Russian-origin Rocket Guided Bombs (RGBs).

During the maiden tests conducted from INS Chennai on April 3, the performance of the rocket system was evaluated at a range of 2.7 kilometers and long-range mode at 8.5 kilometers. The trajectory of rockets was tracked by onboard radar and telemetry systems. The underwater blast effects of the warhead were confirmed by the onboard sonar system. It is designed to intercept submarines at specific depths.

The RBU-6000 Anti-Submarine Rocket Launcher

RGB-60 (Rocket Guided Bomb model 60) is a Russian anti-submarine weapon with a range of 5,700-6,000 meters, capable of deploying depths of up to 500 meters. These can be fired from ships in salvos of up to 12 using the RBU-6000. Variants of the RGB-60 were provided to the Indian Navy with a strike range of 1,500 meters. The surface-to-water anti-submarine rockets can be launched from the ship and are capable of deterring enemy submarines effectively.

The Extended Range Anti-Submarine Rocket (ER-ASR) can be fired in single or salvo mode depending on the tactical mission requirements. It consists of two motor propulsion systems which can fire the rocket in Short Range Mode and Long Range Mode to achieve different range capabilities. While the RGB has a range of five kilometers, the ER-ASR can achieve a range of over eight kilometers.

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The successful test-firing of the Extended Range Anti-Submarine Rocket (ER-ASR) for the first time from INS Chennai marks a significant step in enhancing the Indian Navy’s anti-submarine warfare capabilities.

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