As part of a revolutionary submarine military exhibit, Jordan submersges tanks and combat helicopters in the Red Sea.


Jordan Unveils First-Ever Underwater Military Equipment Museum in the Red Sea

In a remarkable stride that combines history, innovation, and marine conservation, Jordan has introduced its pioneering underwater military equipment museum situated off the picturesque shores of the Red Sea. Showcasing a collection of approximately 20 military apparatus from the Jordanian army, including tanks and combat helicopters, this museum stands as a testament to the nation’s rich military heritage.

Amid stunning visuals that defy convention, Jordanian authorities orchestrated the sinking of various tanks, armed vehicles, an ambulance, and even a combat helicopter off the port of Aqaba

, marking a distinctive approach to preserving and sharing history. Notably, this feat involves careful planning, as 8 of the submerged devices have found their resting place at a depth of 15 to 20 meters, while the remaining 11 pieces have settled in the depths of 20 to 28 meters.

The Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority ( ASEZA), entrusted with the creation of this extraordinary museum, executed the submersion of military equipment with meticulous precision following a strategic blueprint. Ensuring safety and environmental responsibility, the Jordanian military meticulously removed any hazardous components from the equipment prior to their submersion. Furthermore,  ASEZA took conscientious measures by conducting a thorough 30-day seabed scan before initiating the submersion process, guaranteeing the preservation of the marine ecosystem.

Submerge tanks, combat helicopters ... into the sea to open the museum - Photo 4.

The Jordan Times highlights the fusion of strategic planning and environmental sensitivity in this endeavor, portraying how this initiative signifies not only a celebration of history but also a commitment to sustainability. By ingeniously repurposing military assets into a captivating museum, Jordan pioneers an intersection between heritage preservation and aquatic ecology.

Submerge tanks, combat helicopters ... into the sea to open a museum - Photo 5.

Through an array of captivating photographs, this initiative comes to life. Captured by lenses, Jordanian battle tanks find their new home at the underwater museum, surrounded by the vibrant marine life of the Red Sea. Each photograph narrates a story of innovation, determination, and reverence for history, encapsulating the essence of Jordan’s underwater military equipment museum.

As we witness divers emerging from the crystalline depths, having completed the submersion process, we’re reminded of the significance of this undertaking. This museum is more than an exhibition; it’s a bridge between the past and the present, a convergence of marine exploration and military history.

Submerge tanks, combat helicopters ... into the sea to open a museum - Photo 6.

In a world where historical conservation and environmental awareness are paramount, Jordan’s underwater military equipment museum sets an inspiring example. As visitors dive into history, they’ll simultaneously plunge into the depths of marine appreciation and environmental responsibility—a truly immersive experience that echoes far beyond the museum’s submerged walls.

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