“Retiring Police Dog Honored with Final Farewell via Radio Call”

A Retiring Police Dog Gets His Final Goodbye Over A Radio Call

Saying goodbye to your dog is always hard, but this particular act is especially emotional when your dog is your work partner.

Vilo, a K-9 from the Orem Police Department, is a retiring German Shepherd-Malinois who now leaves the job after years of impeccable service. His handler, Quentin, was his partner for three whole years, and now’s the time to say goodbye.

Quentin And Vilo Had A Rough Start

Quentin was not Vilo’s first handler, as they had been partners for only three years. However, the first time the two of them met, Vilo was not exactly friendly towards his new buddy.

“When I picked him up, he was growling at me the whole time on the way home”, says Quentin.

Vilo was having a hard time adapting to a new handler, but neither he nor Quentin knew that a special bond was about to be made.

After A While, A Lifetime Bond Had Been Created

a policeman in a car with a police dog

It didn’t take long for Quentin and Vilo to click. After all, both of them were police officers who had a strict and well-prepared daily schedule.

Day by day, Vilo and Quentin bonded on the assignments, and in no time, they couldn’t be without each other.

“He ends up becoming your brother and your partner.”

Vilo is an impeccable police dog with years of experience in search and prosecution of felons. His trainability and naturally good instinct were of huge help to Quentin many times.

Vilo Had Some “Life-And-Death” Moments

the police dog sits and looks ahead

There were times when Vilo was on a thin line between life and death. Some tasks they had were extremely complicated, as they demanded Vilo to go after armed criminals or secure the field prior to arrest.

“It’s a really heavy decision that you have to make… You put complete trust in him, and he trusts you, and it’s really something you can’t explain unless you’ve done it.”

Luckily, neither Vilo nor Quentin were ever life-injured. He ended his police career with an impeccable record, which is why his police colleagues decided to give him a send-off to remember.

He Got An Emotional Radio-Call From His Colleagues

Vilo got his last send-off over a radio in a police car next to his partner.

It was an emotional moment for Quentin, as the message the colleagues prepared was really touching. And, even though Vilo couldn’t understand the exact words, it didn’t take long for him to sense his coworker’s emotions.

“You deserve so much needed rest. Thank you for keeping your handlers safe over the course of your career, and bringing them home each and every day. You’ll be missed, K-9 Vilo 1042”, was in the final message.

Vilo Excels As A Family Dog, Too

a police dog lies on the pavement next to his toy

Even though he’s not a police dog anymore, Vilo and Quentin are still life companions, but only in a different way. Vilo’s now a family dog who excels in daily chores, and he loves it!

It did take some time for him to get used to a completely new daily routine, but he managed to do it.

Quentin and Vilo live a happy life together, witnessing that retired police dogs have no problem being impeccable pets.

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