At ARMY EXPO 2022 in the UK, Supacat and MBDA will debut a concept demonstration for the new Brimstone HMT Overwatch capability for Light Force

At ARMY EXPO 2022, on September 9th, Supacat and MBDA debut Brimstone HMT Overwatch, a concept demonstration of a new tactical capability for Light Forces.

The UK high mobility defence vehicle specialist and European missiles group have collaborated to integrate MBDA’s Brimstone precision weapon onto Supacat’s HMT vehicle to equip the Light Forces tactical commander with the organic capability to deliver precision anti-armour effects at long ranges and in volume.

Supacat’s HMT (High Mobility Transport) platform is designed for modularity and equipment integration while Brimstone’s ‘one missile, multi-platform’ versatile design can be integrated onto helicopters, fixed wing aircraft (including fast jets), land vehicles, naval platforms and UAVs.

Mike Mew, UK SBD Director MBDA UK, said: “This Light Overwatch concept showcases how we can take an in-service platform and rapidly deliver an operational capability that provides a major lethality boost to the front-line, while learning lessons to spiral capabilities for the future. This is a great UK industry example of experimentation, supporting Op MOBILISE, accelerating Future Soldier and alignment with the Land Industry Strategy”

Phil Applegarth, Director of Supacat, said, “Overwatch creates a potent new capability for Light Forces, combining HMT’s all terrain agility with Brimstone’s precision effects, and demonstrates the versatility of both elements”.

Brimstone HMT Overwatch provides an all-weather fire-and-forget capability and with low collateral damage in restrictive engagement scenarios. It allows for quick and effective engagement and for enhanced flexibility in mission fit capability options to repel adversary formations and single point targets. It has a salvo launch option to achieve co-ordinated effects on multiple targets during a single mission and includes line-of-sight or non-line-of-sight engagements, third-party targeting and high off-boresight agility. Brimstone also provides best-in-class Insensitive Munitions-compliance for safety. Brimstone and HMT are each battle-proven with Brimstone achieving over 98% operational success rate in defeating static, moving and manoeuvring target sets including MBTs and other armoured vehicles.

Brimstone HMT Overwatch

Supacat Group initially specialised in the design and development of military and civil high mobility vehicles. The High Mobility Transporter (HMT) vehicle platform is produced in three variants the HMT 400 (4×4), the HMT 600 (6×6) and the HMT Extenda (configurable between 4×4 and 6×6). A HMT 800 (8×8) variant is also available. The HMT was designed in mid-1999 by HMT Supacat Limited later renamed to HMT Vehicles Limited.

In 2004, Lockheed Martin entered into a licence agreement with HMT Vehicles Ltd to manufacture and sell the HMT in North America. In 2006, Lockheed Martin (UK) acquired HMT Vehicles Ltd who licensed the design back to Supacat. The British Army has also developed specialist variants of the HMT. HMT is operated by British Forces as JACKAL and COYOTE and globally by numerous Special Forces.

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