Rick Ross locks in on the 27-meter supercar-inspired naval yacht: LXT88 when you first see it, what’s so special about it?.mariko


Turkish shipbuilder Naval Yachts has launched a 27-meter design that is based on a supercar and can reach speeds of 42 knots thanks to its twin MTU 1600 V12 engines.

In order to meet the needs of a current Naval Yachts client, the in-house design team at Naval Yachts created the LXT88, which blends high-performance sailing with an eye-catching appearance.



One of the superyacht’s most distinctive features is the front Jacuzzi, where guests may unwind and enjoy the views. Co-owner of Naval Yachts Barş Dinc said, “It’s a great place to relax.” On a yacht of length, even a little pool is a magnificent bonus.


There are two staff quarters and three cabins on the LXT88. There’s also a main saloon and dining space on the vessel.


The yacht’s design was influenced by the passionate supercar enthusiast client, and the LXT88 borrows many design cues from the high-end automotive industry. The vessel’s sides are patterned in carbon, and its low, predatory superstructure contrasts with sleek black grills on the stern.


In order to provide a lightweight frame and higher speeds, aluminium would be used throughout construction. Furthermore, the design has carefully integrated aerodynamic engineering to guarantee the yacht’s effectiveness when sailing.

In a statement, the shipyard stated, “We continue to ensure that our customers can reach the horizons of their dreams in the most comfortable and safe manner with our innovative design and models that keep up with the modern world.”








The concept is revealed shortly after it is revealed that the yard is refurbishing a Gulf Craft yacht under the project nam e Cavalli.

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