Despite the dog’s poor chances of survival after its nose was cut off, its rescuers were unwavering in their resolve to save it.


Namtan the dog had been severely tormented when rescuers discovered her, and she was in despair, with little prospect of life. Her nose had been severely injured, and she was famished due to her inability to eat. Fortunately for her, she was discovered by a rescue outfit that regularly saves elephants.

Thailand’s Save Elephant Foundation is well-known for helping elephants, but their compassion extends to other animals as well, so when they discovered Namtan, they knew they had to save her. They discovered her on the street, her snout dangling from her face. It had been severed, most likely with a machete or a knife.

It was difficult for her to eat, and getting food was so difficult that she had resorted to eating her own excrement.

Namtan’s rescuers had a tough time finding a veterinarian prepared to perform the life-saving operation she required. Many veterinarians advised them that the procedure would be difficult due to the length of time since her accident. They eventually found a vet who was prepared to attempt and save her life.

Namtan survived thanks to the surgeon’s heroic efforts! I couldn’t believe it when I saw her after her operation. Namtan was ready to get started, and her injury has recovered nicely after her operation, and she is currently living at The Elephant Park Sanctuary in the loving care of her rescuers!


In the video below, you can see her incredible rescue and recovery.

Warning: video contains graphic imagery that may be disturbing to some viewers. Discretion is advised.

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