The strange two-headed turtle and the beautiful ending for the ‘mutant species’ efforts to live


The two-headed mutant turtle was luckily discovered by a group of volunteers and taken to a specialist for care. But the miracle of this mutant species’ ability to survive still surprises and delights many people.

Recently, a strange green turtle with two heads was found on Lang Tengah island in Malaysia.  

The strange two-headed turtle and the happy ending for the 'mutant's' efforts to live Photo 1

Specifically, a volunteer participating in the Lang Tengah Turtle Conservation Project at Tanjong Jara Resort accidentally discovered a strange turtle. At first, she found it with its head retracted in its shell. When two heads popped out of its shell at the same time, the volunteer fell backwards and was startled. Although the turtle was small, it was still moving around quite well to find food. It could be seen that it was trying to survive. In addition, she also discovered that its nest was also nearby with 110 eggs. Upon checking, the volunteer group discovered that 89 had hatched.  

The strange two-headed turtle and the happy ending for the 'mutant's' efforts to live Photo 2

The turtle was brought back to the facility by the volunteer group to be handed over to the animal conservation center. Everyone was surprised by the mutant turtle and its miraculous ability to survive. Because most animals that are born with mutations usually die soon after. Moreover, in reality, most two-headed animals are recorded to have a shorter lifespan than normal.

The strange two-headed turtle and the beautiful ending for the 'mutant species' efforts to survive Photo 3

Volunteers said that due to lack of equipment and expertise to care for the turtle, they handed over the marine reptile to the Turtle Information and Conservation Center in Rantau Abang.

The strange two-headed turtle and the beautiful ending for the 'mutant species' efforts to survive Photo 4

Mr. Sharum Yusof, Director of Rantau Abang Fisheries Research Institute (FRI), said that the turtles with normal bodies were released into the sea, while this mutant green turtle with two heads was handed over to conservation experts at Rantau Abang Fisheries Research Institute (FRI) for care.  

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