13 powerful photos that show the pain and joy of childbirth

Meg Brock Photography Birth baby
Birth photography normalizes the birth process. 

Childbirth is an amazing process. But unless you’ve witnessed or experienced it, you might not realize just how powerful the moment can be. That’s why there are birth photos, which show people what the process is like — and prove that there is no one way for a woman to give birth.

To celebrate birth and the photographers that capture it, the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers (IAPBP) awards photographers annually through their Image of the Year Competition.

“It’s not just about capturing the birth, it’s about capturing the emotional connection,” Kelly Richman, a birth photographer and the owner of Lifetime of Clicks Photography, told INSIDER.

Tammy Karin, another photographer who participated in the competition and the owner of Little Leapling Photography, told INSIDER that birth photography shows that birth is a messy process that doesn’t always go as planned. “That’s why it’s beautiful,” she told INSIDER.

Here are 13 photos that were entered in IAPBP Image of the Year Competition that show the beauty, chaos, and joy of birth.

Warning: This post contains graphic images.

1. A girl watches her sibling enter the world.

birth water winner contest
A girl watches a baby enter the world underwater.

Some parents have their children present to welcome new siblings into the world.

This photo, called “Stunning siblings first encounter,” won first place in the 2018 Image of the Year Competition.

2. A couple shares an emotional kiss after the birth of their child.

Birth Photographer Lifetime of Clicks Photography
It’s hard not to choke up from this couple’s tears of joy. 

Birth is an emotional event for both parents.

Richman, the photographer of this image, told INSIDER that she loves being able to capture how mothers feel during and after birth. “I love seeing that change in people and giving mothers the opportunity to look back on this moment in their lives.”

3. Not all births take place in delivery rooms.

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A nurse helped a mother deliver in the hallway of a hospital. 

A nurse was prepared when this mother didn’t make it to the delivery room.

Karin, the photographer of this image, told INSIDER that a lot goes into birth photography that many people don’t realize.

“You have to be super flexible and you’re always on-call,” Karin said.

She pointed out that it helps to know about her client’s past births, their due date, how their prenatal appointments go, and if they have any idea that they might go into labor early.

This photo, called “Nurse Linda” was the perfect example of how being prepared pays off. The photo was awarded an honorable mention.

4. Some women choose to give birth in water.

water birth
A woman focuses during labor.

Water births can provide a more soothing labor environment for some women, according to the American Pregnancy Association.

5. Some babies come into the world very observant.

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A newborn takes in its surroundings. 

6. This photo perfectly captures a baby exploring movement.

baby feet
This baby is spreading its toes. 

A newborn spreads and flexes it’s tiny toes.

7. For many women, pain is a part of the childbirth process.

woman water birth
A mother pushes during labor. 

Labor isn’t an easy process.

8. This adorable photo shows a girl embracing her new sibling.

Newborn licious
A young girl holds her newborn sibling. 

Everyone shows affection in different ways.

9. There are occasional moments of calm during labor.

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A woman relaxes on her partner during labor. 

There can be moments of peace during labor. This photo called “Nowhere and everywhere” won best in the labor category.

10. In some cases, couples can take part in the delivery together.

professional birth photography competition winners labor
A couple delivers together in water.

This photo shows one way partners can be more involved in delivery.

11. Mothers aren’t the only ones who want their baby’s first moments documented.

Meg Brock Photography Birth Photos
A mother looks on as others photograph her newborn.

Friends and family often can’t wait to get a picture of the newest addition to their life. This photo called “How big” was awarded an honorable mention.

12. This photo shows a newborn’s delicate body soon after birth.

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A newborn being gently picked up. 

This baby’s wrinkled skin is adorable.

13. This photo perfectly captures the image that comes to mind for many when they think of birth — a mother comforting her child.

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A mother soothes her crying baby. 

After going through a trying labor, mothers are still quick to comfort and assure their newborns as they take on a new role in life.

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